Chapter 17

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It began to get dark, clouds covered the starry sky. Lillie was sitting next to Alex with a serious face, looking impatiently for Jack, who had recently left for the forest. She saw Foxy talking to all his minions, Lillie thought Foxy was telling them to be ready to patrol south. Jack’s words about the guards who are to stay to guard the prisoners suddenly flashed through Lillie's head. Bradon is careless and easy to mess up. Jack's words echoed in her head. Lillie was very afraid that they wouldn't be able to escape, but after learning about the weaknesses of Foxy's minions, she felt strong. Lillie felt a great relief when she noticed Jack walking towards Foxy. Seeing her beloved, Lillie calmed down. We'll make it, we're a good team after all. Lillie thought to herself. She carefully watched as Jack said something to Foxy, but she didn't hear it. She wanted to approach them, but Alex's voice stopped her, "what are we going to do after we run away?”
Lillie then looked at Alex with a slight shock.
“We'll just run… as far as possible, then we'll see what we find along the way.” Lillie answered quietly. Alex looked as if she doubted Lillie's words, but after a moment she nodded. Lillie stopped looking at Alex, again imagining how she, Alex and Jack would run away together and find Roxanne and the rest of their friends. I can not wait. Lillie thought excitedly. She suddenly woke up from her thoughts when she spotted Foxy on the speaking boulder, but Lillie had no intention of going to Jack, she wanted to protect Alex from Foxy. She didn't want Alex to get hurt again because of her or her stupidity. She just started questioning the meetings Foxy had called.
“It's time to find our old friends…and Roxanne.” Foxy said in a menacing tone. Lillie got slightly worried as she remembered how Foxy had forced her to hurt Alex. She dreamed of attacking Foxy to make him regret what he had done to Alex.
"Stay close to me, I'm leading the entire patrol this time." Foxy said. When Foxy came down from the boulder, Levis approached him immediately, then Lillie disappeared from sight as Foxy's minions surrounded their boss and Levis. Lillie's heart began to beat faster, she was already aware that they were about to start their plan. A moment later all the apparitions followed Foxy, Lillie followed them with her eyes, hoping that they would go as far away from here as possible. She shivered as she saw Alfa turn to them, watching them. After a few moments, Alfa followed his patrol slowly, as if in no hurry. Lillie sighed in relief and gave Alex a calm look. Alex looked scared, looking around as if she was confused.
“It's time..?” She heard Alex's trembling voice.
Lillie shook her head then looked at Jack who smiled at them.
“No, we have to wait for the signal.” Lillie mumbled. She couldn't take her eyes off Jack who was standing next to Bradon and James. Lillie felt the urge to go and talk to him, but she knew she had to stick to the plan or things wouldn't go as planned.
“I am very stressed.” Alex said softly. Lillie hugged Alex trying to calm her down, she was still looking at Jack then waiting for a signal, Alex hugged Lillie a moment later too. Lillie sighed heavily, already wondering if Foxy's patrol was far from Tall Tree's territory. Lillie brightened as she noticed Jack waved his hand suspiciously, it was a sign. She heard Jack throw something imperceptibly, as James looked in that direction, Lillie heard Jack, "I heard rustling, someone seems to be lurking there.”
"I can't see anyone." James growled.
Lillie saw Stray and Stratus join them as all of Foxy's minions had their backs turned to them, Lillie helped Alex to get up and they made their way as fast as they could towards the exit of Tall Tree's territory. She was afraid that one of the servants would notice her and Alex trying to escape.
"Over there! look!” She heard Stray's scream. When Lillie heard them running in that direction, Lillie and Alex started running towards the forest. Please don't go back there, please! Lillie called out in her mind. When they were in the forest, they quickly went to the place where she and Alex always met with Jack. Lillie was afraid that one of Foxy's minions was lurking in the darkness, but she tried to calm herself by telling herself that all the apparitions followed Foxy.
“Quick, here!” Lillie heard Alex's loud, terrified whisper. Lillie immersed herself in the large bushes for a moment, then quickly came out of them, stopping next to Alex.
"Do you think Jack will come soon?" Alex asked uncertainly. Lillie looked toward the forest exit, she heard the crickets and the disturbing sound of the wind.
"I don't “think so”, I'm sure of it." Lillie replied. Alex didn't answer, she just sat down on the ground. Lillie looked intently here and there, dreaming of a familiar figure.
“Lillie?” She heard Alex calling her name. Lillie gave Alex a calm look, trying to be calm to convince Alex that everything is okay.
"Are you sure...that the others didn't run south?" Alex asked quietly. Lillie rolled her eyes, then she fell silent. She thought she was the only one thinking about whether the rest of the group had fled south, she hoped not.
"I have no idea." Lillie replied in a serious voice. She waited impatiently for Jack to distract them. May nothing happen to him. Lillie thought quickly.
“We can't wait here, what if they'll find us?” Alex said.
“All of Foxy's minions have followed Foxy.” Lillie explained impatiently.
"I know, I'm just still scared." Alex mumbled. Lillie turned to Alex, she saw the fear in her eyes. Lillie took one last look from behind the bushes, then Lillie took a seat next to Alex.
"They won't find us, I promise." Lillie said to Alex. Alex smiled slightly at that, but her eyes still shone with concern. When she was about to get up from the bushes, Jack came out quickly, he had a scared face and was breathing anxiously, but he calmed down when he noticed Alex and Lillie. Lillie immediately got up and walked over to Jack, glad to see him.
"It's good to see you all safe, I was worried." Jack said politely.
“Did you distract them?” Lillie heard Alex's trembling voice. Jack made a worried face, then he helped Alex to get up quickly.
“Not for long, they have found something.” Jack said.
What this time? Lillie thought anxiously. She was alarmed at the thought that Foxy's minions had found something that might belong to her friends again.
“Quick, let's go!” Jack said, then he disappeared into the darkness. Lillie and Alex followed him so as not to lose sight of Jack. Her heart began to beat faster when she heard an owl not far from them, Lillie quickly started walking by Jack's side. Alex caught up with them a moment later with a worried expression on her face.
"Where are we going?" Lillie asked.
“As far as possible from here.” Jack mumbled, then he took Lillie's hand lightly.
Lillie just smiled at Jack, then she looked back, she saw Alex walking near them. Lillie had the impression that they were on a walk that was supposed to give them pleasure. Suddenly she noticed a river that was blocking their way, Lillie began to wonder how to get to the other end of the river so that no one would hurt herself.
“This river is shallow, we can easily cross it.” Jack noticed.
“Unless you want to get wet.” Alex said. Jack ignored Alex, he stared straight ahead. Lillie cuddled up to his hand, Jack then looked at Lillie. She noticed the fear in his eyes.
"Quick!" Jack yelled. Lillie followed him, wetting her legs, feeling the cold water. She had the impression that she would catch a cold, a moment later Alex crossed the river. Lillie ran next to Jack, she had the impression that it was the end of their hell and that they were free.
“We need to leave this territory as soon as possible.” Jack said seriously.
Lillie began to feel a great deal of anxiety, does Jack feel that the apparitions and Foxy are returning back to the Tall Tree territory? Lillie could already imagine Foxy's furious reaction. As they ran, Lillie suddenly heard a scream behind her. She quickly turned around to see Alex lying on the ground breathing uneasily. Lillie ran to Alex and crouched beside her.
"What happened?" Lillie asked.
“I felt the hellish pain on my belly again, sorry.” Alex mumbled. Lillie helped Alex up, she heard her friend struggling for breath. Jack hurried over to them with a menacing expression on his face.
"We can't delay, I'm sure Bradon and the others have notified Foxy of our find." Jack said in a scared voice.
“Why would they do that?” Lillie asked. "Did you see them go...”
“No,” Jack interrupted Lillie sharply. "But I don't feel safe here.”
Lillie didn't say anything this time, but she nodded. Lillie ran alongside Alex, watching Jack as he led them. She suddenly felt that something was wrong, as if their plan wasn't going according to their plan. I hope it's just my thoughts, we must live and find our friends! Lillie thought. The forest was slowly closing in front of them, and Jack stopped to glance at Lillie and Alex. Lillie felt amazing, they are free, their plan worked.
“This way, I'm sure we'll lose them there.” Lillie heard Jack. Lillie and Alex exchanged relieved glances. When Jack was approaching the end of the forest, an unfamiliar silhouette emerged from the darkness and attacked Jack. Lillie heard Jack scream, then her mind panicked. She quickly rushed to help Jack, but suddenly Stray appeared from hiding and attacked Lillie. Lillie shuddered before she was about to be hit, noting that Jack defended her with his own body by hitting Stray on the head.
“Let's run! while we can!” Lillie screamed. As she was running towards the end of the forest, she was stopped by Levis who glared at her. Lillie looked back, saw that Alex and Jack were staying close together. They were surrounded by Foxy's minions. They found us! Lillie called out in her mind. She couldn't believe what was happening now. Suddenly Foxy came out of the crowd with an indifferent face, Lillie wanted only to beg for mercy of the tyrant to let them go.
“My, my, my, I thought you weren't worth trusting." Foxy growled.
Lillie turned back to Jack and Alex, which made her feel a little better, but she still didn't understand why their plan had failed. Lillie panicked when Foxy looked at her, she felt like she was about to die right now.
“I knew from the beginning that one of us was a traitor.” Foxy started saying, "Isn't that true, Jack?"
Jack answered him with a menacing growl, Lillie was losing hope in herself. She was sure that now they would return to this hell and Foxy or no one else would trust them. She froze as Foxy approached her with a menacing look.
“And I thought you were different, Lillie. I was stupid to think I could trust you, you're just like the rest, useless and cowardly." Foxy mumbled emotionlessly. Lillie put her head down then, trying to avoid Foxy's eyes as much as possible.
"Leave her alone." Jack growled sharply.
“Hold on, I'm not going to hurt her, not yet." Foxy replied. Lillie lifted her head to look in the other direction, she  spotted Alfa in the crowd standing with his head down.
"I won't even let you hurt her, you freak." Jack said defiantly, standing in battle stance.
"Oh really?" Foxy mocked, then he gave Jack a slight sneer. Jack fell silent then, Lillie felt his sympathetic gaze on her body. Lillie saw Foxy approach Jack, making a more serious face.
"Now do you regret your actions?" Foxy asked calmly.
Jack didn't answer him, he just gave him an emotional look. Foxy took a deep breath and exhaled, but before he could say anything, Levis came over to him. Lillie became concerned when Levis whispered something in his ear. Are they going to kill us? Lillie asked herself desperately. She wished she could make Foxy and his minions leave them alone. She was afraid of what Levis was up to this time. When Levis stopped whispering to him, he stood by Foxy looking at Jack. Do they want to imprison Jack now? Lillie moved slightly, but didn't dare fight back.
“Me and Levis think you deserve a second chance, provided that…” Foxy stopped thinking. Jack looked scared but also angry. Lillie wanted to calm him down, only Alfa who was watching what is happening, was stopping her. She didn't want to get herself or Alex in trouble. She forced herself to just watch and listen.
“That you will kill Alex.” Foxy sneered. Lillie let out a surprised gasp as she looked at Alfa, she saw how Alfa was about to approach them, but apparitions stopped him.
"No Please!" Alex begged. Jack stood in front of Lillie and Alex a moment later with a serious expression on his face. Lillie unexpectedly saw the anger in Jack's eyes, who was still hesitating over his decision. Foxy and Levis took a step back, giving Jack space, watching with slight satisfaction.
“Jack?” She heard Alex's desperate voice. Lillie mentally begged him not to hurt Alex, she knew Jack was different from Foxy's minions.
“Don't you dare do that!” She heard Alfa's angry scream from the crowd. Foxy and Levis, however, ignored Alfa. Lillie was quick to defend Alex, defending her with her body. She shot a desperate look at Jack, and when his gaze landed on Lillie, he made a sad face.
Please, Jack! Do not do this! Lillie thought. Jack closed his eyes, Lillie couldn't help but cry. Foxy and Levis exchanged impatient looks. Suddenly, Jack pushed Lillie and attacked Alex.
"No!” Lillie screamed. After a moment, Jack looked at Lillie, pain was visible in his gaze. Lillie couldn't read his mind, she wanted to know what Jack was up to, she found out when Jack growled, "run.”
Jack then attacked Foxy and Levis, managing to knock Foxy to the ground. Lillie froze in fear, all the apparitions rushed to Foxy's aid. Alex got up and started running towards the end of the forest. Levis hit Jack who was desperately trying to kill Foxy. Lillie was still standing, looking at Jack who was fighting the apparitions. When Jack noticed that Lillie hadn't run away, he yelled, "Run, Lillie!"
"I won't leave you, please, Jack!" Lillie screamed in horror. Jack hit James who threw himself on Jack’s back, Lillie started to sob. She didn't want to leave him to die, she dreamed of a future with him, with no one else.
"Run, Lillie, please! I won't make the same mistake! Remember that I love you!" Jack screamed loud and desperately. Then Jack disappeared into the crowd of Foxy's minions. Lillie saw Levis point his finger at Lillie, three unknown servants started walking towards her, Lillie immediately started running as fast as she could. Tears flowed down her eyes, someone she loved and supported, had just sacrificed her life for her. She could still hear the terrifying sounds of battle in the distance. She couldn't imagine what was happening there now, she felt terrible that she had left Jack there. When she looked behind her, she saw three apparitions running after her. I have to lose them, right now! Lillie thought. She was already in the open area, she had no idea how she could lose opponents bigger than her. When she ran like that, she began to lose energy and strength to fight for her life, she didn't want to run away without Jack, she loved him the most in this world. She wondered why he had to sacrifice himself for her. Lillie suddenly noticed that there was a large waterfall in front of her, Lillie wondered what to do with fear, she looked at the three servants who were already walking towards her. Lillie looked at the large waterfall, then closed her eyes and she jumped. If she's going to die now, she wants it so she can see Jack and his smile again. I'm sorry, Jack, this is all my fault! Lillie called out in her mind. As soon as she hit in the deep river, she lost consciousness. 

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