Bullying Has No Place In This Society

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Clovistown High School

Clovistown, Georgia

Janet was in line, getting lunch. She got her lunch tray, and sat down in an isolated corner of the cafeteria. She took a bite of her grilled cheese sandwich, and then the school bully, Vanessa came over to her.

"You sit alone, cause you have no friends!" sneered Vanessa. "And, you look like an alien with those glasses!"

"Leave me alone, Vanessa!" snapped Janet.

"Why don't you make me?" mocked Vanessa. "You look like something out of horror film!"

"Hey, that's enough!" demanded Mr. Johnson, the school principal. "Vanessa, leave Janet alone, and get in line to get your lunch, please!"

"She knows I'm just playing!" said Vanessa.

"If I catch you bullying her again, you're gonna be spending time in my office! Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, sir." Vanessa finally backed off, and went in the lunch line. Just then, an auburn hair girl, carrying her lunch tray sat down with Janet.

"You okay?" she asked.

"Yeah, I am," nodded Janet.

"I didn't like to see you all alone, so I wanted to sit with you. I'll be your friend. I'm Betty."

"I'm Janet."

"Don't listen to Vanessa. She's a jerk. Your glasses are so cool."

"You think so?"

"Of course!"

"Thank you!"

And so, Janet and Betty became the best of friends. There would be a school assembly tomorrow morning, on how to stop bullying in its tracks. It would be sponsored in part of the Georgia Department Of Public Education.

Bullying had no place here. It had no place anywhere.

This story was written on Tuesday, March 7th, 2023. (Purim)

A/N I wrote this story to spread awareness on bullying in schools. We need to take action! If you see someone getting bullied, tell someone! Don't be a bystander! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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