Chapter 11

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There was Mayuk in better health. Ishya asked, "Huh?"

"He isn't a prince in disguise though. Just my cousin!"

"Why did you read my thoughts?"

"I don't think that can have an answer. You did it too."

A sweat trickled down her forehead thinking that her powers seemed to be a public talk in the citadel, "How did you know?"

He reminded, "I was just trying to sleep, I wasn't asleep though."

"What do you want now?"

"Karan had sent me."

"Me too," Pari came over as Mayuk informed, "Ashiya would be at the railway station at home. You both must go there and join her..."

Ishya corrected, "Escort!"

"On her ride back to here today," Mayuk completed.

Now only if Ashiya too could read thoughts, she sighed.

Mayuk concluded, "Actually, she don't! Don't worry, your secret is safe. In reality, a person in this century without elemental power neither knowing magic is not allowed to the citadel."

Pari came over, "She knows! Don't expose it all now, Mayuk."

"Just letting her know, "His sound was softer, "Don't worry! Nothing harmful does the prince in disguise does."

He walked away saying that and Pari began, "Prince in disguise? Who is it that I didn't know?"

Ishya denied as she set up her things to take a leave. A man came out in a familiar armour and dagger. A guard of the Triratna was he. He smiled, "Gautam!"

Ishya nodded displeased.


Ishya nodded.

Ishya was just lost in the dagger and armour as she used to have weapon training too. Gautam added, "The weapon training is done for everyone even if you have power because being yourself physically strong makes you mentally capable."

"What do you want now any floral plant?"

Gautam denied as Pari doubted in frustration, 'What do you guys speak in silence? Prince in disguise, sorry, floral plant?"

Gautam informed, "You can fly on a dragon to the home so you would not have to walk till dawn."

Pari denied, "Will it shake its body?"

Ishya laughed, nodding at Gautam, "It would be fun. A dragon ride for a floral plant, this offer sounds greater."

Pari asked, "We have a dragon market in here so. Which one will we ride?"

Ishya turned to Gautam who told, "The giant, cute one. The red phoenix, Avan. Literally! One who owns the Earth..."

Avin's Avan shook his head behind them and they turned back. It had spiky tail, wings with smaller pores that couldn't be seen by the naked eyes, stronger legs and pristine wings with glittering silver polish. "Do your heir know that we are going to ride on his mate?" Pari question as Ishya was pulled back, for a few days she too had a mate before he flew with her parents amongst the clouds.

Gautam concluded, "I am offering you a favour."

Ishya nodded as she walked to the giant bird which spared her a glare. Pari jumped back, "This is daunting!"

Ishya's eyes met the dragon's and it didn't seem friendly. Pari denied at Ishya as Gautam instructed, "Carefully! He is a little buddy, only friendly to the heir."

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