3 o-clock dream

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(This is the same house from the past and present. Noah never moved so it's the same place as in her dream and the same place she's at now.)


"Come on Aria we have to go." "Where are we going mama?" "A friend's house" I nod and walk out of the house and I to the car. Yesterday was my 7th birthday. I don't know who mama needs to see, but it's fine. I trust mama. "Can I get a hint as to where we're going mama?" "No Ari, you'll see when we get there" "fine" I turn my head and look out the window. I see grass and trees mostly. It's so pretty. It's been a couple hours now, maybe two and mama just said we were here. I looked up and gasped. It's so beautiful, she said house. This isn't a house it's a freaking mansion. It looks oddly familiar though. Weird!

"Come on hunny" mama called as she stuck her hand out waiting for me to grab it. I walked to her and placed my hand in her's. We walked to the door and mama knocked until someone opened it. As it opened, an older woman stood there smiling at us and asked for Mama's coat. I was wearing yellow shorts that looked like mustard, and then a white top with sunflowers on it. It was the middle of summer so it made sense. The white top with sunflowers on it covered my small stomach so you could see the outfit without seeing my stomach. It's actually very cute. Mama has good taste in clothes.

 Mama has good taste in clothes

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"Please, come in. Noah will be with you in a moment" the elderly women said as she hung up Mama's coat. "Hi dear, would you like anything?" She asks me
"No.. thank you" I say smiling a little at her. She nods and walks away. A couple minutes later, a guy comes walking down the beautiful staircase. "Anna" the guy says to my mom after he stops right infront of her. Why does he look familiar too? "Aria" he says looking down at me. I look up at him and smile. "Hi.." I say about to say his name but I don't know it so I stop myself. "Noah" he says and then looks back at mama and tells her to come with him. "Aria go play or something. I'll be back in a minute" she says before following him up the stairs.

I wandered around for a little bit. It's weird how I feel like I somewhat know this place. I just can't remember how. I walk around until I see a dark figure infront of me, his back facing me. I guess he heard my little footsteps because he turned around. I felt my eyes light up and I immediately ran into his arms that weren't open. Knowing I took him by surprise, I said "Axee I've missed youuu" he chuckles wrapping his arms around me tightly saying "I missed you too Ari" he puts me down.

"When did you get here Ari?" "Around 15 minutes ago." He nods and takes my hand. He leads me to the play room. I run past him and pick up some toy barbies. "Axe come play with mee. I'm always alone" I whine making him smile and sit in front of me taking a toy I don't have. "I missed this." Axe muttered underneath his breath.

It's been about an hour and me and Axel have been playing with toys when mama walked in and took my hand saying we're leaving. I didn't fight this time knowing what happen last time. I didn't even get to say bye to Axe.

I wake up looking around to realize I'm still laying next to Noah. I look at time to see it's only 3:37 in the morning. You've got to be fucking kidding me!

I lay back down and think about the dream. That was the last time I seen Axe until about a month or two ago. All this time mama lied. All this time, she took money from people. Sometimes with help from them or sometimes just stealing it. I know she did it for me, but there had to be another reason, she worked three jobs, three really good jobs. She had to of had the money to take care of me and the house and other stuff. Unless she lied about why she needed the money. She wouldn't do that though.

Yes she would, whe lied about everything else.

Yea, but it's mom, I know my mother.

Do you?


Then why are you thinking that you don't actually know her?

Ugh, shut up. I know my mother.

But to be honest, I didn't. I didn't know what she did, why she did it. Maybe she didn't work three jobs, maybe she lied and went somewhere else.

I put my head on Noah's chest again and slowly feel asleep. Still thinking about what I could believe about my mother and what I couldn't. What if she lied to me about everything?

Hii, okay, so I can't remember what I put her age as. Or even if I put one. But she was 5 when she first met Axel. And then in this one she was 7 so about two years. And she was 5 so that's why she didn't really remember until she saw Axel.

Anyway, have a goodnight. 💗

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