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☝️ Noah's room


"Aria, go play for mommy please, I'll be back in a little bit. " Mama tells me so I listen. I wonder around the mansion for a little bit until I stop at what looks to be an indoor gym. There's a man there.. I wonder if he wants to play.

" Hi" I say sweetly and happyly.

It looks like I caught him off guard but he recovers quickly.

" Hi? Who are you? " He asks me confusion all over his face. I've always been good at reading people.

I giggle a little for literally no reason..

" I'm Aria.. who are you? " I ask him the same question

He smiles warmly at me.

" Axel, but you can call me Ax Axe same name just different spelling. " As soon as he said that I smile widely and jump around a little.

" So kinda like a nickname? I've never called someone by a nickname before." I'm still smiling like a physo.

"Yes, like a nickname." He says walking closer to me until he's Infront of me and he sits on hit butt to be level with me.

"... Mm then you can call me.. Ari." I tell Ax

He smiles at me again.

"I like that Ari. Your names very pretty but if you don't mind me asking, what are you doing here Aria? I've never seen you here and I've been here for about two years." Axel tells me

"Well.. mama is talking to some big attractive scary dude about something she said is not important. She told me to go play until she's done." I tell Ax

"Hmm.. well, do you wanna play?" Ax asks me

"Yesss. What can we play though?" I ask him

"Good question Ari. Follow me" he says as he stands up walking out of the room but turning a little to make sure I'm following him.

"This is the play room. It's for kids, there's dolls, blocks, cars, doll house, baby dolls ect. Basically any toy you can think of is here. " He tells me with a small smile

" Cooool. Can I ask why you were in the gym? "

" I- was uh.. play fighting with the punching bag."

" Oh.. well at least it was playful because I hate violence. " I tell him with a giggle at the end as I walk towards the Barbies.

" Me too. Even tho it's now apart of my job. " He mumbles the last part. 'apart of his job? ' what does that mean?

Me and Axe have been playing for awhile. I don't know what's taking mama so long, but I like Ax, he's cool. We've switched what we play with, at first it started as dolls and then we had a competition on who could build the best tower from the blocks and then we played with cars. Oh, and I'm pretty sure Axe let me win the block challenge.

" Aria, there you are. Come on we have to go now" mama calls me from the door way

" Mama noooo, I don't wanna leave me and Axe are playing. I never get to play with anyone please just a little longer. " I beg mama

" No Aria, let's go.. now. Say bye to Axe?" She tells me walking closer to me and grabbing my wrist


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