Forgetting For A While

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Belarus woke up to slamming and yelling. Leaping up from where she laid, coughing and wheezing for air. When she finally stopped and realized that this was her bed, she was confused. How she had fallen asleep, she didn't know.

She looked around her room, it was as neet and tidy as it always was. Except the mirror that used to hang in it was gone...the drawer by the bedside had a roll of bandages and disinfectants placed onto of it. It looked regular, but something was different.

Bela felt lighter. She scratched her bandage in thought. Was this how others solved their problems? Did the pain really make it all go away?

Holding her head, she groaned. Massive headache, she forgot to take medication for it. What even happened yesterday-

A flood of memories from the night before crowded her already aching head.

Oh god...

Was New Zealand okay?!

She began hyperventilating. The thought of her friend getting hurt like that because of her was too much to bear.

And she didn't even know what to make of their black eyes.

Was it fake? Belarus wondered. A medical condition or just an unfortunate stroke of luck? Maybe they were cursed like Bela-

No no. That was worse. She would never wish her disease on anyone around her no matter how much it hurt her at times. Never would Belarus become like her father.

She still worried for New Zealand though...

A knock on the door shook her out of her thoughts. "Беларусь?"(Belarussia) A quiet voice spoke. "сен ояусың ба?"(Are you awake)

Belarus stretched and yawned loud enough for the country on the other side of the door to hear. "Так...? Хто гэта?" (Yeah...Who is it) She faked a tired-sounding voice.

"Қазақстан, кіре аламын ба?" (Kazakhstan, can I come in?)

She yawned for real this time. "Вядома, заходзьце. (Sure, come in)

She got off of her bed and hurried over to her door. Unlocking it, she opened to find her older brother wearing a plain white-and-black hoodie and ripped jeans. His hair was pulled back and he looked ready for a day-out.

"Oh? What's this?" Belarus raised her eyebrows and leaned in to whisper in his ear, not wanting her other siblings to hear. "Are you and Mongolia going out today?"

Kazakhstan chuckled and shook his head. "On the contrary, I'm taking my lovely baby sister to eat."

Bela blinked at this response, processing what the meaning of what was just said and laughing when she realized what he meant.

"We're leaving right now?" She questioned. "What time even is it?"

The other country checked his watch, tucking his wings behind him. "13:26, I let you sleep in since you seemed tired. Don't get used to it."

He patted her on the head. Belarus pouted.

"Go get dressed, Беларусь. We have a lot to do. Plus I want to be out of here before Russia and Ukraine get up." Kazakhstan had muttered that last part under his breath, but Belarus heard it just fine.

"They're still in their rooms?"

He nodded. "I heard Rus on the phone, he sounded angry but that was it."

"Really? Cause there was noise happening just a few minutes ago." Bela put her hands on her hips and continued."What even happened yesterday after-"

"Shhhh," Kaz put a finger to her lips and turned Bel around, pushing her back into her own room. "Get ready, we'll talk later."

Those Eyes | New Zealand x Belarus | Countryhumans FanficWhere stories live. Discover now