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Happy Thanksgiving! (Since that's when this will be posted for me)

One thing I'm truly thankful for is all of the support you have given me! We hit 800+ reads and I am amazed by that!

But enough about me, on with the chapter!

Also Trigger Warning: Slight gaslighting, (in Bela's case) the cracking of limbs

this will not be a happy chapter and will be very detailed at the points mentioned above.

Read at your own risk, if you want to skip this chapter and read on to the next (if it's published) then I'll do a summary at the beginning of that one.

Now actually tho let's get this over with.

It was hard for Belarus that weekend. She felt fragile and hurt.

It had started out amazing, Estonia and Finland surprised her with a visit. And that was nice since she loved seeing her older sister and her brother-in-law was extremely nice to her.  Then on Friday, when she called New Zealand to talk about the hangout for tomorrow, she was met with a monotone voice.

"Sorry Bel," They started out. "Mum wants us to have family bonding together while we're here for the holidays. Hope you understand."

"Y-yeah uhm-" Her voice came out high-pitched and squeaky. Belarus swallowed and tried once more. "Yeah, of course. Have fun with that."

She called Tonga, who was rarely ever busy and always made time for Bela. But she was met with a similar response.

"I have to work overtime this weekend."

"But the school cafe is closed during this break?"

"It's my other job. The boss needs an extra hand and money is something that I can never have enough of in my opinion. Sorry"


Finally, Belarus called South Africa. This girl was down for anything and always had free time. The special occasion for her to be booked however, came at this moment.

"Really sorry Belarus, but AU has a lot on her plate right now an-"

Belarus hung up. Embarrassed for doing so but also fed up with being put behind the rest. Anger rushed through her viens. Her blood boiled and Bela's vision turned blurry with the tears tht have overwhelmed themselves.

Suddenly, Bela dropped to the floor. The impact smacked her knees hard on the tile. One of them began to crack into mini pieces and crumble like dust almost automatically. Belarus' eyes widened. She quickly scooted over to her stash of medicine and pulled out a roll of bandages.

Quickly, she wrapped her knee. Hopefully nothing would break anymore. One more fall like that...and she'd be limping for the rest of her probably short life.

As she balanced herself on the wall, trying to stand, Ukraine walked into her room. Belarus looked up in shock.

"Вы ўмееце стукацца перад уваходам?" (Do you know how to knock before entering) She blurted out.

"Вау, схоже, у когось поганий настрій." (Wow, looks like someone's in a bad mood.) Uki said in a sarcastic tone, walking over to her little sister and placing a concerning hand on her shoulder. "Хочеш сказати мені, що не так?" (Want to tell me what's up?"

"Нічога, акрамя халоднага і пустога неба." (Nothing except the cold and empty sky.) Bela spoke in a quiet tone. She shrugged off her sister and leaned against the wall.

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