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"Want me to walk you home?"


New Zealand stood there, awkwardly scratching the back of their neck. Maybe that was a bit too forward.

"Well?" They questioned.

"Uhm..." Belarus pushed some hair that had escaped her braid behind her ear. Why was she so nervous?

The silent was deafening.

One waiting for an answer, another for an answer to pass through her lips.

Just talk Belarus.



Belarus' POV

"No, I think I'm fine. Thank you though." I heard the sentences pass through my lips. New Zealand looked saddened by my response but quickly recovered.

"Oh. Okay! No problem, I get it. Walking home with some country you just met isn't a really good look huh?"

I felt so bad that they were just joking around like it was nothing...why did it feel like more than that to me?

"Hey, hey it's alright Bela." New Zealand placed an arm on my shoulder comfortingly. I felt like a child, giggling despite my sadness. They smiled.

"I understand. But you should get going now yeah? See you tomorrow."

With that, they turned on their heels and left. But I couldn't shake this feeling that I had to say one more thing.





For once.

"W-wait! New Zealand!" I squeaked out.

They turned. Before I lost my nerve I managed to stutter out the words I wanted to ask.

"Can I get your telephone number? Please?"

A look of remembrance flashed on New Zealand's face, they smiled cutely, pulling out a piece of paper from their pocket. They put it softly into my hands.

"Thanks for reminding me," They began. "I was going to give this to you sometime today but I forgot to."

I beamed with joy at the sincerity and nodded happily.

"Okay now actually though." New Zealand turned me around to face the path I would take home and pushed me in that direction. "Go home now its getting late gogogogogogogo."

I giggled yet again at the silliness. I started down the pavement. Looking behind me though, I saw that both of us had looked back at the same time. We waved to each other and I watched as New Zealand disappeared behind 2 enormous doors.

And if, by the way, I was skipping down the sidewalk in glee, no one had to know the reason was that I had made a friend. :)

New Zealand's POV

I clicked the door behind me, gripping the handle. Sighing, I placed my head against one of the pillars and taking off my blindfold. God, the world seemed so brighter without it on.

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