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TW: Vomiting, Panic Attacks, Passing out, other disturbing imagery (the way i can detail stuff is scary asf)

Time for some Kiwi angst

The bird non-binary gonna get it >:)


Btw, sorry not sorry

Australia reached the house first, sliding to the gate of the place while staring up at it.

As soon as everyone got there, the earlier moment was quickly forgetten. It seems that Mongolia had forgotten to tell them just how big this place was. It was mainly white with black roofing, but it looked like the house of a president, with a grand garden filled with different kinds of flowers. Mainly chamomiles from what New Zealand could tell. (A/N: kinda modeling it after the White House if you're having trouble imagining)

South Africa swallowed nervously, glaring intensely at the gate in front of her. There were guards at the place, so she shrunk silently as she always did around law enforcement.

Tonga must have noticed this and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "It's alright South Africa, they're not coming for anyone in particular. You'll be alright."

The other country smiled gratefully. Australia huffed in envy. Probably why you shouldn't run when a girl helps you out bro. But New Zealand knew it best to keep those thoughts to themselves.

They nudged Fiji towards the gate, she flushed bashfully and waltzed towards them, the rest followed behind her.

"Hello good sir! We're here for a girl named Belarus. Do you know her?"

"If you mean Ms. Belarussia Minsk Soviet, then yes, she does live here. What is your business with her?" It was hard to make out some of the guard's words, as he had a thick Eastern European accent. But Fiji managed.

"We're her friends from Uni! Just wanted to give her a few gifts!" The Fijian held up her cake box proudly then flipped her head around to gaze at the others. The rest blinked in confusion at first but then quickly also followed suit, putting up whatever they were holding in their hands.

The guard exchanged looks with his colleague, who looked unfazed by the group. She then shrugged and pressed a button to her left. The gate opened in a perfect sliding motion. New Zealand opened their mouth in awe, before snapped out of their shell-shock and walking through the gate. Soon, all of the countries in attendance went in as well, but not before thanking both guards and tipping them.

As the gang walked away, a sense of comfort seem to arose.

"Do you think those two over there were dating?" Fiji thumbed behind her towards the guards, who were now chatting casually.

"You Fiji, why does everything have to be romantic to you?" South Africa groaned.

"Whaaaaat? I'm just asking, and it seemed like something was there. I saw a spark."

"You always see a spark Ji," Tonga pushed her playfully. "You should pay more attention to your owm love life instead of others."

"Oh please," Fiji pouted. "I'm hopeless when it comes to love. And besides, I'm probably just a cupioromantic. I like the idea of being in love, but actually getting into it is tough for me."

Tonga laughed. "Well maybe the special one has been under your nose all along."

"Doubt it! The only ones that get even inder my skin are my siblings! And I am not about that life."

With that, Fiji folded her arms and huffed with anger while Tonga tried to convince his friend that she was not as hopeless as she thought she was.

New Zealand wasn't really listening to this background conversation, only catching bits and pieces as the gang had finally gotten to the house's doorsteps. The countries began to subconsciously tiptoe up the steps, slightly scared.

Those Eyes | New Zealand x Belarus | Countryhumans FanficМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя