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Blep blep :P

The new girl had a red flag with a  green bottom half and a small side of her face was mini red designs agains a white background. Most of that was covered by the bandage that took over most of her face.

She wore a resting bitchy expression too, like most of the Soviet children. NZ felt their stomach do a flip when the two made eye contact for a second. She gripped the crook of Kazakhstan's arm with both hands, attempting to shield some of herself. Her fingers were bony and her head was balanced on a stick-looking neck.

God, were they feeding this girl often? New Zealand thought. She's like a skeleton.

South Africa beamed at all of them. Australia looked ready to melt to the ground.

"Hey Oceanias, I wanted to introduce you lot to my new friends!"

"Hey, since when were we-" Kazakhstan began to say.

"You of course know Kazy here." South Africa continued on without a care in the world, shimmering her hands in front of the golden-winged boy.

"And his little sister Belarus!"

Fiji blinked and stood up straight and the mention of the word 'sister'. She leaped out of the seat, clapping her hands and bouncing up and down. She squealed in delight at this new girl.

God, Kiwi would never understand Cis-and- nonLGBT people. They had headaches cause of those ones.

Their triplet went up to Belarus and grabbed both of her hands in hers. New Zealand huffed.

NZ slightly turned red...why were they feeling so...weird?

They turned back in Fiji who was practically gushing at Belarus.

"We needed another girl in this group! Welcome and try to resist this UGLY siblings of mine." She opened her eyes to reveal the heterochromia. Belarus' eyes widened in shock.

"We are going to have so much fun-"

"Мне нравятся твои глаза! Они такие красивые!" (I like your eyes! They're so pretty!)

The atmosphere around the group suddenly became darker as a high-pitched yet scratchy voice squeaked out a blur of Russian. Everyone faced in the direction of the speaker, shell-shocked.

Belarus had let go and her hands clasped, wearing a big grin. Then she blinked out of it, realizing what she had just done. She blushed out of embarrassment, hiding her face behind her scarf.

New Zealand giggled at her outburst. The others just looked amazed.

"I thought that Bela was mute?" South Africa sputtered out.

Kazakhstan chuckled. "She was for a few years...she's actually learning how to talk outloud again.

"Her. English isn't that fluent, so she mainly speaks Russian," He explained, turning to face Fiji. "She's of course sorry about cutting you off, but Bel just wanted to let you know that she likes your eyes and think their pretty."

"Really?" Fiji beamed happily and embraced the Belarussian country. "You have just made my day!"

She finally removed her grip. Belarus began to say something else but changed her mind, whispering something into her older brother's ear. Kaz laughed, his wings fluttering behind him.

"She said that she likes people who are different from others, both physically and mentally. It makes her feel not-as-strange."

Fiji and Australia both looked at New Zealand as Kazakhstan spoke. New Zealand fiddled with his ponytail, saying nothing.

Those Eyes | New Zealand x Belarus | Countryhumans FanficWhere stories live. Discover now