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It's okay, this chapter is going to be mostly fluff bc I can't help myself :]

And also it's extra long for you good little children, as all of your super nice comments helped me in finishing this. Thank you yet again. To both those you just read and others follow and vote and the ones that do all of those things. I care about you ♡

On with the story!!!!

New Zealand shook Belarus awake. The teacher had arrived but she looked so cute sleeping that NZ had let her be. But now the class was over and they had to get to ELA quickly.

Kiwi had barely tapped the girl before she jolted up, she looked scared and nervous. Beads of sweat dropped down her face. Her hand went automatically to her bandage. She sighed out of what looked to be relief and faced her attention back to New Zealand.

"You okay Belarus?" They asked.

"Yes." Bela smiled softly.

It was obvious that she was faking, but NZ didn't press her. After all, they were also fake so why judge?

"Okay then, let's go to our next lesson. Then after that is break."

NZ turned without a word and left the hall. As expected, Belarus followed them out.

But there was so much on her mind to process.

First, what happened after the incident and USSR died. He had been able to finally lose hold on this world because he had transferred the family disease to Belarus.

The disease effects only the Russian family and causes the bearer to slowly disintegrate to ashes unless they either:

A- Transfer it to someone of the next generation; this is what R.E had done to USSR and what he in turn did to Bela

There's another option though...something less painstaking and would wipe the curse away for good.

B- The country would have to find love. And by love, it means to find someone who knows about the disease yet still loves the other unconditionally.

Grandpa hid his illness from the world, even when he found someone he cherished. Belarus knew this as the new victim to the illness. Soviet however just never found love.

Now he just excepted her to just lie down, don't try to stop it, and die while the rest of her siblings. The strong ones. While they lived their lives.

If her self-esteem wasn't bad before, it sure as hell was now.

The horrible truth is that USSR only kept his daughter alive, and never really physically harmed her not because she was "favorited" by him as some of the others claimed.

But because he knew that she would suffer enough in the future. It was his own way of mercy.

And the worst part is? He had hit it right on the dot. Belarus had suffered. So much.

After her father died, most of her siblings moved out because they didn't want to live in a place with all of those memories. And Bela adored her relationships with her siblings.

Then they left. And barely ever called home. This shattered her. She was stuck with the ones that she had never really been close to.

Kazakhstan, who always kept to himself.

Ukraine, the one who openly despised father and ran away for years just to come back when she heard he died.

And Russia, the one who reminded Belarus so much of Father that it was common for her in the earlier months to get PTSD just standing by him.

Those Eyes | New Zealand x Belarus | Countryhumans FanficWhere stories live. Discover now