Chapter 18: Unconditional

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Both Alfred and Matthew nearly jumped him, but I stopped them. "Be careful; he is still weak; once everything is healed, you can jump him," I laughed. Francis laughed at their behavior and smiled. He had only woken up not too long before they arrived. "You look so different. Is it rude for me to ask what happened to you?" Alfred started. The three of us surrounded him as he lay in the bed, and he shook his head.

"No...but I think I'd like to wait on it alright if I get a mirror? I...haven't seen my face in so long, I'm scared I may look different..."

"A mirror?" I asked.

Although he did look different, it wasn't his fault. "Are you sure?" I added. He looked at me, annoyed, nodding. "Did I stutter? Give me a mirror!" He demanded. His sudden outburst shocked me a bit, but I only nodded. Even the boys were shocked by his sudden yelling.

"Fine, I'll give you a mirror," I spoke. Admittedly, I did say it with attitude, but it was because he pissed me off. The boys watched me as I went to grab a table mirror nearby. I held it up for him to see, and he quickly grabbed it.

He had begun touching his nonexistent hair, and tears filled his eyes. I had started to feel like an asshole for giving him attitude. "Is this the price I have to pay constantly?" He asked. I lifted a brow, and he looked at me, angry.


"What? Francis, he saved you..."

"I DON'T CARE! GET OUT! I DON'T WANT YOU TO LOOK AT ME!" He yelled. I couldn't tell if he was pushing me away because he was upset with me or if he genuinely didn't want me to see him like this. "What? Seriously? You don't look bad! Short hair looks great on you; look at the bright side!"

"There is no bright side; get out!"

"What? But at least you won't complain about your hair getting in your face anymore or getting greasy; you look great!"

I had tried improving the mood, but he was not accepting anything I had to say. "Do you want us to leave too?" Alfred asked. They looked at him, and he looked away from all of us. Francis shook his head, slowly placing his head against the wall.

"No...just him...I don't want him here..." he spoke. It broke my heart that he didn't want to see me right now. It hurt me so much...after all the years I spent away from him, after everything he told me, when I finally held him again, he didn't want me around. I wondered if it really had to do with his hair or if he really didn't want to see me. I was afraid that he might have felt like I abandoned him.

I felt so much pain...this was worse than when he wasn't around. "Fine then! You want me to leave? I will leave! I only saved you because of our treaty! I could have left you there if I wanted to! I only did it because I had to! Honestly, I can't believe you! You are such an ass for no reason!" I yelled. All of them looked at me, shocked, and I began to gather my things.

"Hey, come on, can't we get along?" Matthew started.

"What? Why do you have to be this way? Can't you understand where I am coming from and respect it? It is just like you to be this way! You never change! If we didn't have the Entente, we'd be fighting against each other right now, and you would have been invaded!"

"Huh? That is great coming from you! Especially since I had to save YOU! You are useless! Even Italy was able to beat you!"

"Huh? I was on my way to see you!"

"Yeah? Well, good thing you got caught! I'm sure you deserved whatever happened to you! Asshole!"

"You are such a dick! I went through hell trying to save my people, and you can't even show a bit of compassion by leaving me!"

"If you want me to leave so bad! I will! However, once this war is over, I don't want to see your face again! I don't want anything to do with you! Don't ask me for anything because the answer will be no!"

"fine! I don't need you!"



We started glaring at each other, and the boys silently watched us. "Hey, uh—"

"Save it, Alfred...I am leaving... I figured you are still on our side, so make up for the lost time. Get your ass up and help us stop is the least you could do!"


I glared at him once more, storming out of the room. I slammed the door behind me and leaned against the wall beside it. My emotions built up, and I could feel my hands shaking from anger. I wanted to cry, scream, and punch him.

I leaned against the wall, listening to what they were saying. Francis had begun crying, and I could hear the boys comforting him. "Don't worry; he didn't mean anything he said. Arthur just wanted to be close to you...he really had been going through it while you've been gone..."

I felt my face drop and my heart stop. Those idiots have no business telling him my personal stuff! "I just...didn't want him to see me this way...this isn't how I pictured us reuniting...I can't bare him looking at me like this," Francis sobbed.


I really was the asshole.

"Don't worry; it's YOU! He will get over it soon.."

"Yeah, but I think I want to be away from him for a hurts looking at him. Arthur...he is dear to me, boys," he spoke. This he is about to say something important.

"We know, but...go easy on him hurt his feelings..."

"I love him!"

My eyes widened, and I nearly fainted hearing what he said. No...

No, No, No, No, No!

This isn't good.


"I LOVE HIM! I am in love with Arthur! And I have been since the eighteen forever!" He shouted. Oh no...

No! He can't! No! I won't let him!

It was silent, but I closed my ears before hearing them say anything else. No! I refuse to hear anything else! This is not good! And I will make sure THIS never evolves into anything more! I will ensure that does not happen. For now, we focus on the war and go our separate ways! That is all! Nothing more and nothing less! A part of me wanted to listen in on the conversation, but I figured that was not a smart thing to do.

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