Chapter 13: The Allies

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"Stop it! You are on my foot!"

"Will you all shut up!"

"America! Your ass is in my face!"

"Get off!"

"My ass is not!"

"Please, shut up!"

Alfred and Russia had begun to shove each other, and China nearly had his face against Alfred's behind. "It is crowded; what do you expect me to do?" Alfred defended.  They were all whisper-fighting. Everything had gone to plan; we were near the Italian front on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea. We all knew it was a matter of time before he sensed we crossed his borders.

"Will all of you shut up?! He will hear us!—"

A sudden gunshot flew by us, stopping all of us from arguing with each other. This was going to be more complicated than I thought. "I KNOW YOU ARE HERE! STOP HIDING!" A familiar voice spoke. All four of us looked over the ledge, seeing Mr. Italy. He looked nervous and scared but kept his composure. "I...I hope you know that I am part of the Axis! If I am taken down...Germany will come for you!" He tried to threaten.

"Wow, what a sorry excuse for a threat!"


"I got this! I'll go out and talk to him!"

"Idiot! You are too cocky for your own good!"

I tried to pull him down, but he pushed me off of him. Goodness me! Where the hell did I go wrong in raising him? "Hey! How about we talk about this before it gets ugly? I am sure you want to avoid any fighting!"

"Are you alone? I was not the one who attacked you; it was Japan!"

"Wow, he really threw him under the bus," China whispered, shocked. It did not surprise me. I nudged him to stay quiet and saw how Alfred lifted his hands. "You idiot!" Russia spoke, shocked. "Come on! Let's just talk about thi-"

Another gunshot went off, and we saw how it went through Alfred, causing him to fall back. "Oh, shit! You idiot!" China glared. Within seconds, and without thinking twice, both Russia and China began to attack. Alfred gasped for air as he lifted up his torso. He was such an idiot. "Oh shit, I am alive!"


I pulled him down so the crossfire would not hit him. "Can all of you stop for a moment!?" I asked. I pushed their guns down, looking over the ledge. China continued to shoot until there was nothing left. "You ran out, didn't you?" I asked in disbelief. How were they fighting alone? It was amazing they had not fallen yet.

"Ah! So they told me the truth! All of you did team up! So I assume Mr. England is there too?" Italy asked. I looked over the ledge we were hiding behind, seeing him standing atop this huge pillar. Many of their bullets had hit the wall, missing him. I could only assume they missed. Those idiots...I was dead...This was it. Sorry Francis, I can't save you.

We should be known as the A.L.L.I.E.D powers.







We were going down in the most embarrassing way possible.

"Well, the silence proves me right. You know, I saw Mr. France the other day. He had a letter on him addressed to you. Since you are here, I can read it to you!" He cheered. Pfft, as if I would believe anything he says. This coward was only trying to get to us because he knew Germany would come to the rescue at his request.

Everyone looked at me, and I shook my head. "He doesn't have anything from France; no one has seen him anywhere," I spoke.

"Dear England, I choose to use your nation's name in case anyone were to find this. If I drop this letter, I hope it will somehow make it to you! I have been on the run for some time and am getting tired. I have been leading multiple resistances...blah, blah, blah! NOW FOR THE FUN PART! He says, and I quote..."Mr. England, you are more precious than the oxygen I breathe. I would do anything to hear your sweet voice again. I think of you constantly, and I have heard the stories of your suffering. It hurts knowing I can not help you, but trying to cross the Dover would be too dangerous. Yet, I find myself doing just that...blah, blah, blah...Be Well, France..."

My eyes widened hearing the words, "Be well." I was shaken with fear. Not just from that, but it seemed like something he would write me. "He was coming across the Dover, but German forces caught him. If you want, I can negotiate a trade. I will be willing to give him back if you hand over China...I know where he is, and I can help you get to him," He spoke. Everyone looked at me, especially at China. I was shocked he would think I would ever do that.

"England...don't do it...we can get France back without betraying one another..." Alfred spoke. I took a deep breath, frustrated. There was only one way I knew would end this here and help continue the plan with this invasion. No, I was not going to let this get to me.

I looked around me and grabbed one of Alfred's knives he had in a holder. "Hey, what do you think you are doing?" He asked, shocked. I looked at Russia, pulling some of his rope from the side of this belt. It was thin enough and tight enough to withstand force. "I won't let him win. We will continue with our plan, despite being pushed back a bit," I spoke. I looked over at China, who had some wooden sticks beside him. "What are you doing?" Russia asked.

I began to tie the items together as best as I could quickly. "On my mark, all of you will go; leave me behind," I spoke. They all stared at me, shocked, but I did my best to finish quickly. This was the last time I would hear him ever say anything like that again, especially about Francis. H mocked his words, and I will strike him down now.

"What the hell?" Alfred spoke.

"Are all of you ready?" I asked. They nodded at me, and I quickly positioned myself. "For France," I whispered. I pulled my arm back, releasing quickly. There was no sound coming from me, but it was enough of a signal for them to carry out their plan. "AHHHHH! WHAT THE?!" Italy yelled.

I shot an arrow at him. For a second, Alfred stared at me, impressed, shocked, and in joy. "YOU SHOT ME WITH AN ARROW?" Italy yelled. I quickly looked around me for any rocks, and lucky there was one sharp enough. It would be enough to take him down so they can beat him and create a new front.

I aimed the weapon at him again, seeing him pull out the arrow in shock. I released the end once again, this time, landing a blow on his foot. This was enough time for the three of them to surround him and begin to fight him. However, it was more like they ganged up on him as he was down. They had begun to kick him as he was down, and it made me want to laugh a bit. I should not have laughed at the situation, but it was funny.

This was good...

This was part of our turning point.

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