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When I finally woke up again, I didn't feel as confused. But I was alone.

I sat up from the bed I was lying in and saw the open windows beside me. The decor and aura of where I was, screamed Francis. He must have taken me to his place, which was a stupid decision. I think I'd rather have been back at the hospital or my own home. Who knows what sick things he did to me while I was unconscious.

I crossed my arms, annoyed, but still found myself getting flustered. "As if!" I said to myself. I mentally slapped myself in the face and began to emerge from the bed. Once I found him, I would give him a piece of my mind.

I rushed out of the room, still, in the night clothes I was sure he had changed me into. That asshole! He saw me naked! Even if it isn't the first time, he needs more decency.

"FRANCE? WHERE ARE YOU?" I shouted. I slammed the room door open but was only met with silence. I didn't see anyone or hear anyone. Was I alone? If so, where could Francis be? What could be more important than taking care of his 'guest'? I swear! It is as if he lacks proper manners. I ought to give him a lesson or two once I see him.

I began looking around his home, and I didn't see a worker either. This was a bit weird, but I assume there is no one here because they'd rather be with their families during this wartime.

I slowly walked down the hallway to a familiar room I had seen a while ago. Maybe twelve years ago by now. The door was a matching wooden color to the floors it stood over. There were intricate designs that looked like they could have been hand carved. This was the first time I had paid attention to what was around me.

I didn't hesitate to open the door without knocking as I approached the door. I don't show respect for people who take me to their homes without permission. That is borderline kidnapping when it comes to Francis. I could have fought him off if I wasn't so out of it at the hospital. Given time, if Matthew didn't inject me with that drug, I would have reverted back to the Middle Ages and stabbed him right in the back.

Literally, with the knife I had.

"Knock, knock?" I spoke.

I opened the door, and the room was empty. "Hmm...Francis?" I called again. I walked into the room, looking around. Where on earth could he be right now? I stood in the center of the room, still looking around, but there wasn't much to see.

"Hmmm..." I hummed, annoyed.

"Francis?" I called again.

I looked around, confused, looking toward his desk. Suddenly, a strange memory hit me as I looked at the back of a familiar frame. I remember...a long time ago...
Francis was covering the picture. I wonder if it is still the same. I wonder why he wouldn't want me to have seen it. I couldn't help but laugh at the thought.

"It's probably something stupid," I whispered to myself. I began walking toward his desk, walking near the chair. I grabbed the frame gently off the desk and turned it over to look at it.

My heart had stopped beating, but I felt utterly calm. I wasn't upset by the photo; mostly confused. "Now, why on earth would you bother having a photo of me at your desk," I whispered. I couldn't help but smile at the old photo of me. It looked extremely old and made me wonder how long he held onto it.

Was he really that embarrassed for me to see this photo? Well—I guess I would have made fun of him a bit. At the time, I was upset; I might have smashed it. Every day I somehow manage to prove to myself what an asshole I can be. He probably knew that as well.

"So the secret is up?" His voice spoke. My eyes widened upon hearing him, and I looked up suddenly. He was standing by the threshold of the door, staring at me. "Sorry, I didn't mean to snoop..." I spoke, flustered. His eyes widened at what I said, and he shook his head. "No! Don't worry! I'm sure you were more confused, if anything. I didn't want them doing anything bad to you, so I took time off the front lines to take care of you. Your economy has been suffering lately, and you didn't wake up for a while," he spoke.

"Awhile? How long was I out?" I asked.

"Ah, a few days, but luckily you were healed within the first day. However, the war has taken a toll on your body; you need to relax, please. If not for yourself, then for my sake, I'm worried about you," he spoke.

Something about his words felt odd.

I couldn't help but look at him, confused, as he came closer. "That's not very good," I spoke. I felt worried about what have I missed the past few days.  "Don't worry about anything right now; I can tell by your eyes that you are on the verge of freaking out," he spoke. I had placed the picture frame down, using my now free hand to touch my face. I felt hot; I wonder if my face looked red. I could not help but look away from him.

"Arthur...you talked about my letter in the hospital. But you didn't finish it, did you?" He asked. I stayed silent. Although I didn't finish it, I remembered the words he wrote that I had the pleasure of reading. "Ah...yeah..." I spoke. No, I couldn't show that he made me nervous.

"Well, we are in front of each other now; how about you finish it," I spoke. His eyes widened at what I said, and he began to smile. His smile could start a new day. His aura was the embodiment of happiness and reassurance. I would if there were a way to look at him at this moment forever.  "Well, I'm worried that if I do, you might be taken aback; I'm not sure you're ready to hear what I have to say," he spoke.

I don't understand where to begin with how I feel right now. All I understood was that I wanted to do something different now. I would do anything, invent anything that would ensure Francis was safe and that he didn't go through anything I had gone through. "I think I'm ready," I spoke.

I dropped my hands beside me. My right hand was to my side, while my left rested against his desk. Coming closer, Francis placed his hand on mine and continued staring at me. Francis placed his other hand on my cheek and softly caressed it. "I don't think I can bare this any longer; I need you, Arthur. I need you to live, I need you to be able to breathe, and I need you so I can feel everything in this world. There IS a single word for this, but I'm not ready to say it, and I don't think the world is ready to hear it, so...I leave you with something else instead..." he spoke.

I had frozen at his presence. Something inside of me was changing. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to say. "What?..." I asked nervously. Francis leaned in, kissing my cheek. His lips lingered on my skin for some time before he was ready to separate from me.

However, once he did, he rested his hand on the back of my head, running his fingers through my hair. Francis tilted his head at me, smiling, and I was stuck. "I leave you with the undying affection I feel for you daily. One day, but not today...I will manage to put it into words. There are more important things than my feelings," he added.

"Now, you are free to go if you'd like, but you are also welcome to stay. You aren't my prisoner this time, so you may leave. Although, it would make me a little happier to be with you again." He pulled his body away from me and began to walk away.

This...this wasn't right.

As I watched him walk away from me, I was still frozen. My heart was about to explode, and I felt like I wanted to scream. It felt like the sun was shining directly on my skin. It felt like my feelings filled the air around me as I stared at him. This may sound crazy...but I think he was making me feel a type of way.

There was a word for how I felt, and whether I was ready to say it out loud was a mystery.

I was sure of it...

This is what falling in love feels like.

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