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September 15, 1916

The Anglo-French attack of 15 September began the third period of the Battle of the Somme but by its conclusion on 22 September, the strategic objective of a decisive victory had not been achieved. The infliction of many casualties on the German front divisions and the capture of the villages of Courcelette and Flers had been a considerable tactical victory. However, things soon escalate...

There was something almost sweet about him. No—not about him, the thought of him. I would jump off the cliffs of Dover for him. I'd swim across the sea for him. I'd do anything he'd ask if it meant I could see him smile. I'd annoy him, upset him, pick fights with him, or bully him. I'd do it out of extreme adoration, especially knowing he will do the same to me. Knowing that the two of us know deep down that we only do it because we are close.

We have known each other for a long time and will know each other till the end of time. There was something about Francis I couldn't explain. He was like a dream; he was the sun and moon of all parts of the day; he was the air I breathed; he was the colors I saw; he was the blood running through my veins.

How could anyone be so precious to me yet a nuisance in my existence?

I'd ensure that he never experiences some of the worst things in this war. I promised myself to ensure it, and now, I have accomplished said goal. Once again, the mighty British Empire was ahead of the enemy. I lead the world in the first Industrial Revolution and have made a breakthrough.

I was inventing a machine, made for war.

I call it...

A Tank...

"Mr. England, Australia and I have set up fronts where you suggested; what is with the secrecy?" Matthew asked. He and Francis were near me, and I directed them to stay close to me today. "Are you sure you don't want our men closer? What are you planning?" Francis asked. He was dressed in his terrible-looking uniform, but it was him.

"Trust me, today will be our victory if you listen to what I tell you to do. I am telling you to stay close to me and keep your men distant. The fighting will start soon, and I do not need you getting an arm taken off," I spoke. They both looked at me, confused, but I held my hand up, giving the signal. The two jumped, scared, as they suddenly heard this blaring noise. Then...the ground began to shake slightly.

"Whoa...what is happening?" Matthew asked. He quickly held onto Francis, who had tried holding onto a nearby pillar. This was it! This was the start of a great fight. I was never going to give up easily; in fact, I plan to fight harder than I ever had before. This war will be known in history as the war to end all; wars! This Great War will have my name within its writing. Everyone will remember how the mighty British Empire will always and constantly be a step ahead of their enemies.

"It is the start of something new..." I whispered.

I approached Matthew and Francis and directed them to look across the field. They could see these huge machines crossing the field toward the enemy trenches. I built them to withstand common gun fire and to shoot multiple rounds of bullets at once. As well as launch a few bombs to blow up the enemy territory. "What are those things," Francis asked. I turned to look at him and felt as if my face had grown serious. "I made them...they are built to help us win this war and to keep all of you safe. Preventing anyone involved on our side from experiencing the mustard gas," I explained.

We heard screams and fire coming across the field from the enemy lines. It caused Francis to stand still, looking across, horrified. He did not look at me after he heard the screams, but a weird aura had come off him as he stared off. It was as if he was scared...and for some reason, a part of me thought that he could have been scared of me. However, I doubt he would feel that way now. I created something to protect him. I had always promised to protect him as a child, and I know my gesture is long overdue, but I am a man of my word.

I will ensure he never has to feel the gas against his skin.

Matthew continued to watch in shock, and I stood behind them. I do not think that I would care much if they were horrified of me. I believe what I made was for the best of this war. These tanks would help us take back territory lines. Francis could think all he wants of me; it was not new to me how fast he could switch up his emotions with me. I may have grown feelings for him, but they can easily disappear; I could ensure that.

This was the beginning...

The screaming and anguish coming from their trenches were horrific. In this day and age, I disagree with the soldiers' poor treatment. It was not their fault they were involved, but this instance differed. They must all pay for the death and destruction they have caused everyone in this war.

"Well, I see your death machine has succeeded; I hope you are happy," Francis spoke. My eyes widened, and I watched as he walked away from the scene. What? Was he upset with me? He has got to be joking. "Pfft...Weren't you upset at what they have done too? This a quick and easy death for most of them. This is far easier than how my soldiers suffocated and burnt to death in that gas. If you do not like it, you can find your way to win this war, but this is mine," I spoke.

He looked at me in disbelief, shaking his head. "Keep telling yourself that," he spoke. Francis moved past me, and Matthew looked at him, shocked. "Are you mad at me too?" I asked. I sounded a bit annoyed, but I looked at him seriously. "No...I understand...I believe he is worried about more dangerous weapons being used in war...This would only give Germans the idea to make some themselves and use them on our soldiers...but that is evolution," Matthew spoke. I nodded at him slowly, turning to watch Francis.

More deadly weapons?....

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