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"Welcome to my humble abode!" I cheered. We both wobbled inside, and he began to look around at my hotel. "Wow! It's so nice in here!" He cheered. We were still very much drunk, so it made it funnier how amazed he looked at my room. "You should have stayed with me! We could have continued to drink more!" He spoke.

"DARLING!" I called in a love-filled tone. His head turned toward me quickly, and soon the puppy came out of the nearby room. "Oh...right..." he laughed. His face looked nervously reddened, and it made me laugh a bit. My little Darling jumped toward me, and he felt soft. How was it possible that this puppy was so soft? How was this possible? I wanted to squeeze this puppy badly.

"I want to join!" Francis whined.

"He is so soft," I spoke. We both continued to pet the puppy, and I slowly picked him up. He had his own small room to stay in tonight. I suppose that makes sense why there was an extra room. Francis planned this whole thing; he was too drunk to remember.

"Awww, where are you taking him?" Francis asked. He watched me as I started to take Darling to his private room. "Babies need to go to sleep!" I laughed. I wobbled a bit, walking toward the other room, but I held my own. I closed the door behind the puppy, and It made me a little sad hearing the puppy cry a little. Francis finally stood up from the floor. "Poor Darling," Francis laughed.

He approached me slowly, and we suddenly turned quiet as we stared at each other. "Well, today was..."

"Nice...weirdly enough, it felt as if we were getting married," he laughed. My eyes widened at what he said, and I began to laugh. It was exactly what I thought earlier.

Francis smiled as I laughed and did not say much. My brain couldn't comprehend us. Our lives...how could we live hundreds of years and remember almost every detail of it. All of the wars we fought against each other. If our past leaders knew we would one day have the Entente Cordiale, they would have laughed.

We had both stopped laughing and stood in silence. "Maybe, I should sleep; I'm sure this hangover will be terrible in the morning," I laughed. Francis nodded at me slowly, and we both began walking toward the door. I was still feeling drunk, so I was sure that I'd instantly fall asleep once I was in my bed.

I began walking toward the door, hoping he was following behind me. "Arthur...I think we need to talk about something important..." he started. His voice sounded as if it were full of anguish and determination. His voice was soft, kind, and sad in all ways. His voice could carry me to the heavens, and I'd be grateful. But it could also leave me alone in hell.

"What is it?" I asked. I turned to face him slowly, and he avoided my gaze. I could tell he was starting to get flustered, but I figured he needed to come out with what he wanted to say.

I looked at him, confused, and he finally looked me in the eyes. "Arthur!" He spoke determinedly.


"The truth is...well...itsbeenthetruthforalongtimebut..." he had jumbled his words together, and I could not understand what he was trying to tell me. "Listen, it is a bit late; we are both drunk; maybe it would be best if you stayed the night?" I asked. He lifted a brow, shocked, and I was also shocked. I had said it without thinking. I suppose that meant that I still cared for him deep down.

"What? Are you sure?" He asked. I smiled at him, nodding. "Sure, it will be like old times. However, you have to sleep alone! You snore loudly now! It is honestly bothersome," I spoke. It was true. It wasn't very cute of him to snore so loud.

I opened my bedroom door, and he watched me as I turned on the light. Speaking of 'lights,' I truly believe electricity and lightbulbs have been the best thing ever invented.

Be Well, My Darling (Fruk)Where stories live. Discover now