Chapter 12: China

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One of the tragic things about the attack on America was Mr. Japan knew where he would be. Alfred was there helping with a few shipping guards when the attack occurred. We all knew. Alfred knew Mr. Japan knew his whereabouts. When he would be there and for how long. This tragedy that killed his people was only the beginning, for Alfred Declared war on Japan...who was part of the Axis. Ensuring his placement against them.

"Mr. America and I are allies! An attack on him is an attack on me!"

"Mr. Japan has been fighting against China, and I'm ready to fight alongside him."

"We can't go in blind! China, America, we need to all team up!"

"Oh? Surprising coming from you since you chose to have a treaty with Germany in the first place!"

"Yeah! You helped invade Poland!"

"Okay! I know what I did was wrong, but I have no control over what my people say...well...I do admit it felt good to punch him across the face..."


"Huh? China destroyed a few towns too!"

"Great! This is exactly why I wanted to stay out of this stupid war! Yet again! I was dragged in!"

"No one asked you to declare war on Germany! You did it yourself!"

"Because Japan broke my arm!"

"Yeah? Well, I'm about to break your other!"

"ALRIGHT! THAT IS ENOUGH! We can't keep fighting like this! We need to come up with a way to fight against them. They are all expanding territory like crazy. Taking down countries left and right! I haven't seen this happen since the Napoleonic wars! We need to stop them! At any risk!" I spoke. I had interrupted all of their fightings. I understood their frustration. However, they were going to drive me insane if they didn't stop.

"I have a suggestion; feel free to shut it down. FEEL FREE! I am not a fan..." China started. Everyone turned to look at him, seeing how red his face was getting. "We all agree that joining forces is the best let's do it. We will become the Allied powers. We might as well kick their asses! Liberate all the nations who have fallen! Including Mr. France! Then we will ensure this never happens again!" He spoke.

"Yeah! However, I am concerned there is only one front right now, and I need you all to make a second! I mean it seriously! We have to take back France, now!" Mr. Russia spoke. My eyes widened, and I stood up. "As much as I'd want that to happen, we can't! I had my ass handed to me in France multiple times. I am not prepared to fight head-on that way; if we rush into it, I am sure I will be defeated!"

"Figure it out!"

"It is risky! I will fall!"

"HEY, HEY! How about we start somewhere else!" Alfred interrupted. China suddenly stood up and nodded. "How about you start in Africa and move up to Italy? If we come in through Greece, they won't see us coming. Mr. Italy is kind of a pussy, so I don't think it would take long for him to surrender to Mr. America," China spoke. My eyes widened at what he said, and we stopped fighting. "That might work," Russia said. It would also relieve pressure on the eastern front.

"Then, we can work on liberating France and locating wherever the hell he is!" He added. Alfred nearly jumped him from excitement but looked as if he restrained himself. "All I ask is help taking down Mr. Japan. As I mentioned, he isn't a force to be reckoned with. He is bloodthirsty for imperialism," he added.

"China! Don't sweat it! I will ensure that I will gather the tools to deal with him eventually! Hang tight! I will send more troops to help!" Alfred cheered. He began to pat his back aggressively, and Mr. China looked defeated. "Please don't make me regret joining you, idiots!" He spoke.

"I agree; I know we don't see eye-to-eye, but I hope we all can agree equally that now is the time to put our differences behind us. Even the whole democratic-communist thing!"

"Yeah...sure?" Alfred spoke.

As much as I didn't like his idea of forcibly spreading communism, we really had to work together. There was no other choice. Then, when this was all over, we could go our separate ways.

"Alright then, it's settled...we are going after Mr. Italy first; this should be fun," Alfred laughed. We all breathed out, defeated. We all knew taking him down and starting a second front would not be difficult. However, I was feeling anxious.

I felt anxious because all of this was taking long. However, it felt nice. I was happy to be getting help now. Thanks to the great idea from Mr. China, this war may be over sooner than I thought. I felt as if I could go to my room, throw myself against my sofa, and feel relief. I didn't have to worry about failing again, failing like how I failed my dearest. Now, I had more on my side, and we would slowly take everything back, no matter the cost.

"Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to enjoy myself for a little bit longer before I lose brain cells being around all of you..."


"Ah, China has a point..."

"Please, all of you get out of my house already," I finally spoke. "What? Me too? Aren't I like a son to you? Where is Canada? I want to see my brother!" Alfred demanded.

"I've been here this whole time..."


Alfred screamed in such a monotone way. He was such an idiot. Matthew was sitting in the corner the whole time. "Jesus, please leave..." I spoke. Alfred had jumped into Matthew's arms, shaking him back and forth. "Okay, we will see each other soon; goodbye!" Russia and China spoke in unison, starting to rush out.

"HEY! Where are you going?"

"I'm going to lie down!"

I was sure they wouldn't leave my home anytime soon, and they would bug me. That would be fine, but us being together like that reminds me too much of HIM; I'd feel guilty. It was a strange feeling I couldn't explain, and I didn't want to explain.

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