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Zack was busy doing his own thing, so you decided to investigate a hole further up. I mean, seeing as B6 had a couple of rooms and B5 had even more, who's to say B4 won't have secret rooms with useful information too?

Walking inside a room, you saw a small note with a flower next to it. "Huh? A flower...?" you whispered. Sure, it was pretty, and from all the disgusting and rotten decoration you'd seen so far, this was quite refreshing.

You took the small letter next to it and read it.

"Hey! I take it you saw the grave with your name engraved in it, right? 

I'm hoping you liked it. You see, I have a girl I like. Her name is Rachel, and I really do love her!

 She's really cute. The rules of this building don't let me visit her floor, sadly, so I don't get to see her often.

I thought that by making better graves, I could one day build one for her so pretty she'll love it!

I'm sorry if it took you aback, though. Anyways, I'm hoping your grave can serve as a peaceful place for you to rest and a visual improvement in my designs so that Rachel can see!"

By the manner in which this had been written, it was most likely a child who wrote this letter. But why would a child be in this hellhole? Who knows. 

And the name Rachel? The one who wrote this letter referred to her as someone who was on another floor, so chances are you'll meet eventually. 

You set the letter apart, and took a look at the mapped area of the grave the kid of the letter had done. It showed its design, height, and further details of its appearance and how it was built.

"This kid really is passionate about making graves..." you muttered, a bit surprised a kid would be doing this type of thing. At this point, you'd just assume everyone in this building was messed up and had a screw loose, you really aren't going to think otherwise.

You went to further inspect the details of the paper, but you heard a faraway racket, followed by a laugh you could recognize anywhere. Oh god, what did he do now?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Hah! Here's what I think of your shoddy-ass rush-job tombstone!" Zack laughed, a smirk edging on his bandaged face, as he held a pickaxe with his right hand. "Actually...since I'm here...I'll crush all of them..!" he said. After that, his vision went red.

He'd gone insane as he laughed, running around the room, bashing and destroying every gravestone in sight. "Hell yeah!" he screamed, as he kept destroying the tombstones.

It sounded all ridiculously loud. "Geez, he couldn't keep quiet for two minutes?" you muttered. Suddenly, a door behind you activated. 

Your eyes widened a bit. "He managed to find a trigger?" you mumbled. I mean, at least he did something great with all the racket and noise.

"ONTO THE NEXT ONE, BITCHES! WOO!"  Zack screamed in pure bliss and joy.

Geez, he's so damn loud!

You walked into the room, wary of the unusual silence, and you looked at a table. Lights flickered, switching on and off rapidly.

"What's...going on..?" you muttered. Unable to process your thoughts, you were disturbed by a childish giggle. "...Eerie," you said, before the power went back on.

You looked at a table beside you, and there laid a notebook, which contained several papers. You opened it, and found entries on both you and Zack. There was an extra one of a blonde girl, which you took, but didn't read.

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