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You walked through the door, having finished taking in the syringe. You walked down a hallway that was left. It was narrow and damp.

I'm sure Zack will be okay.

You heard the click of a door, and you turned back to Zack, who was gripping his hoodie tightly, as he breathed heavily.


"...Zack..?" you said, as you walked towards him. " Get away!" he yelled, backing away. Shocked by his outburst, you did so.

What the...?

"Are you okay..?" you asked.
"What the fuck does it look like? Do I look okay to you? I said get away! I'm not gonna be myself for long," Zack said, raising his head to meet your gaze.

What was in that syringe...?

"..." you stayed quiet, preferring to not anger more the man before you. "That stupid injection is driving me crazy.." he murmured.

You hesitated to go near him "You're already crazy, Zack," you said. Zack huffed. "Yeah, I know. Still..."

You tried to regain your composure, listening to what Zack had to say. "...It feels so great. This strange feeling. It reminds me of when we met. B6, you know...? Where I tried to kill you?
The one time you showed a fearful expression when you saw me?" he said, his voice gaining an eerie tone, as his yellow eye dug daggers through your soul, as he let out a half-hearted dry laugh.

You nodded, stepping back. "That was a wonderful day..." he said, as he gripped his scythe. "How I wish to re-live it!"
Oh fuck.

You looked behind, a door showing itself, the only sound going through your ears being the pounding of your heart.

Not this again. Not the chase. He's too crazed. He's most likely more enforced and agile now as well. I'm not gonna make it...!

You stepped back, Zack raising his head, eyes glowing madly. He lunged forward carrying his scythe. "Shit!" you cursed, as you made a break for the door.

Your calculations were correct, though; he caught up with you, pushing you down to the floor as his scythe lay on your chest.
"I just want to cut you up!" he screamed. "I want to see blood flow from your form as I tear you up! Scream already!"

What the actual living fuck is wrong with this man!? What happened to him!? Was this the injection's effect? This is fucking bullshit!

You took a hold of your pistol as you managed to pull the trigger, an unbearable white noise filling the room, Zack letting go of his scythe. "Damn it!" he cursed, as you managed to push the scythe away. 

You couldn't lug it away from him.
It was far too heavy.

You had better chances running away. So you did, reaching desperately for the door, hoping the effects of the injection would fade soon.

Please, Zack. I don't give a shit if you're a serial killer who's after me, but this is far too much! You're starting to sound obsessed with the concept of me bleeding to death!

Your hope diminished as the room you entered was a dead end.

Please no.

Did Cathy do this on purpose..?

Zack soon broke down the door. "So the chase is cut this short? Shame," he said, a smirk adorning his face.

"I did want to see you run a bit farther," he murmured, a laugh escaping his lips. "But I guess it's fine like this too," he said, raising his arm.

You prepared to dodge when you saw a bullet run through Zack's arm. His smile twisted into a pained expression as he coughed out blood. "...Shit!" he cursed under his breath.

"Hello there! I'm so sorry to interrupt, especially when things were getting good," Cathy said.

Can this situation get any worse?!

"I just thought I'd let you know that you're in the Firing Execution Squad's Chamber. It's chock full of firearms ready to shoot! As the great example Zack provided, you now see what happens if you move around a little too much!" Cathy said.

You tensed even more, looking around the steely silver room. "Since Zack already has a weapon of his own, I've left a gun for you, Y/N! How merciful! Then it'll be a fair fight, no?" Cathy said.

You looked next to you, and there was a red and black gun. You picked it up, walking up to Zack. He didn't even seem fazed. Neither did you.

"If you're gonna shoot, go ahead and do it," Zack said, taking your hand holding the gun, and pressing it against his chest.

Your eyes widened slowly. "Have you lost your mind, Zack?" you said. "Already had years ago," Zack muttered, giving you a smirk.

"I'm not going to shoot you," you said. "Why not? At this range, you can't miss!" Zack said, a hint of annoyance in his tone. 

"Why do you think? We made a promise. I'm not gonna go back on my word now. Not when we've gone so far."

"Huh. What a bother," Zack said. "It's not gonna help the fact that part of me still wants to see you bleed to death."

You shifted uncomfortably. "So shoot already, won't you?" Zack said. "While I'm still sane, if you can even call it that," he said.

"Even if I wished to, I can't," you said. "Huh?" Zack muttered. "This gun's unloaded. It's got no bullets in it. It's made to be a death trap," you replied.

Cathy's eyes widened. How had you realized it?

"I've used guns before, Cathy. I know when one's unloaded. Your little defect here didn't stun me," you said.

Zack laughed. "Fine, then, if that's how it is.." he said. He raised his scythe, seeing his own smiling reaction.
"How sad," he muttered, a laugh leaving his mouth. "If you won't kill me, N/N, then.."

You widened your eyes. "Zack, no—" you whispered. He smiled crazily, looking at you.

He's lost it..!

" I'll just have to kill myself!"

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