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              'DING' the familiar sound of the elevator click resonated through the two companion's ears, as you headed for the elevator to floor B4. 

"You sure you killed that manic doctor?" You asked, with an unsure gut feeling that maybe that doctor would still be around. 

"I sliced him real well. Should've killed the bastard," Zack responded. "...He is a doctor, you know. He has medical experience and could heal himself with the proper materials and medicine," You pointed out. 
Though god forbid he comes back.

"I swear, if he's alive I'll bury him alive and kill him," Zack spat. 

           "Fine by me," You whispered. "You're quite relaxed for being next to a serial killer," he questioned. "Huh? Are you second-guessing my decision? I'm trusting you to not kill me. That was our promise," You stated. 

"You sure keep track of your promises. Guess I won't have to worry about you lyin' to me," Zack responded, giving you a smile. You two stopped when you reached the elevator. Zack pressed the button, but it didn't open. 

         "Agh—of course it doesn't work! Why does this always have to be so complicated!?" Zack shouted. "Chillax, Zack, I'll go see if a room holds a trigger or key to help open," You said, giving him a smile. 

His expression turned more deranged as he gripped his scythe more firmly. "Sure," he said, a small giggle leaving his lips. He took a deep breath and tried to calm down. 'It's no use, huh? Such a smile she had.' Zack smiled. 

       Moments later, you returned with a key button in hand. "I found this. I'm gonna go ahead and press it," you said, pressing the button. As if on cue, the elevator opened.

"Well, seems you figured it out," Zack stated. "Yep, so let's keep going. We're only in B5, there's still plenty left to cover," You responded. 

          The pair walked inside the elevator, as it shut close, rising to the next floor. "...By the way, that doctor—did you know him?" Zack said. 

"No. He claimed to be some sort of assigned counselor or therapist, saying I'd been brought here for counseling or some shit, but it's all just creepy nonsense. Did you know him? You called him by name," You replied. 

        "Who, me? You sure I did? Guess I forgot..." Zack mumbled. The elevator soon made its signature ring, as the pair looked at the number. 

'B5 -> B4'
"The hell does it say? B4?" Zack said. "Yes, B4, Zack. We're now on floor B4," You said. "Whatever. Let's keep going," he continued, walking through.

Is he illiterate?

The two of you walked down a hallway, footsteps echoing through. "Just me, or does this place smell horrendous?" you said, covering your nose. 

Zack nodded. To say that it smelled bad was a lot, though. I mean, you've seen and been through B6. That place is god-awful.

     Soon enough, the two of you reached an open room that had rows of gravestones. "And I thought I was the only one who thought it smelled like dirt down here," Zack said. 

Why are there so many...?

You saw a tall and polished gravestone at the end of the room, and instinctively, you walked towards it. Zack followed behind with a confused expression. "Something catch your attention?" he said.

     "This grave has," you said, a twisted feeling in your gut churning. "I'm assuming that unfinished one over there is yours," you said, pointing to a mount of rubble. 

"Heh, so they're assuming we can die at any given moment? What a joke; I'm not gonna stand for this!" Zack said, raising his scythe.

"Guess I'll just have to smash the thing!" he continued, smiling widely. "Your scythe'll break, dumbass," you said.
"Who're you calling a dumbass!?" Zack responded. "Who do you think?" you said. Zack growled in frustration. 

"I mean, do you see me talking to any ghosts here? Because if you see any, do tell me," you said, crossing your arms, an expectant look on your face.
"Geez, cut it out," Zack replied.

"In any case, all jokes set aside, I'm curious who did this grave. It's probably the owner of this floor, so stay on guard. I won't ask you to do anything. You do what you want. Just don't destroy my grave. I still want to inspect it further," you said.

I want to know just who did this and why they did this.

"Fine," Zack responded. "You better not try and run away," he said. "Yeah yeah, I won't. If I do, you'll probably just never pass on to the next floors," you said, waving him bye temporarily.

Zack let out a small 'hmph' and turned around, facing all the graves. "And now to deal with the annoying lot of you all..." he said, a smirk curving on his lips.

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