Part 22

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"What do you mean?"

"I mean, he's gonna find out sweetheart."

"Then what do you want me to do, insult him?"

Niccolo sighed before dragging a hand across his face. "No, I'm saying you need to make it believable."

All Gabriella wanted was to call Sebastien and get the ball rolling. The longer they waited, the longer it would take. So far, she had learned that the man she used to have feelings for, the person who was like a best friend to her - was a stupid liar with weird kinks and a stupid savior complex.

None of which worked for her. How could she have been so blind? All the time and energy she wasted on him... Well, this was her payback. This was the rage she would use to fuel her actions and ensure she went through with this.

"Okay, so how do I make it believable?" she asked, making air quotes as she said the last word.

"You can't suddenly forgive him, you can't be nice. You can't run into his arms."

"Why not?"

"He's an idiot, but he ain't that stupid. He would know, especially after the way you blew up, that you wouldn't so easily run back to him."

"I contacted him when I needed help getting you back."

"You were desperate," he pointed out.

Okay, fine. Yes, she had been. Else she wouldn't have contacted him.

"Maybe I'm desperate now too."

"Yes, we'll use that. But you can't make it easy on him. You're gonna appeal to his pride and ego. You'll make it seem like he's your last option. You wouldn't do this, but you don't know what else to do..." He popped his lips. "The problem is you're not good at this shit. Alright, make it about your mom. That way he'll buy it. Tears maybe. Did you ever cry in front of him?"

More times than she cared to admit... He had been her confidant. How was she to know he was lying to her and waiting to stab her in the back? "Yeah."

"Good, use that. He'll eat that shit up."

Though Niccolo was giving her the plan and the instructions, which she would follow - and ignore all the little jabs he was taking at her - she could tell none of this pleased him. If he agreed despite the fact he absolutely hated Sebastien... it meant one of two things.

Either this was his way of taking petty revenge.

Or this really was the only road not explored.

Gabriella couldn't fuck this up. This was possibly how she got something back. At least her family. Then they would figure out how to protect them. She would milk everything she could from Sebastien.

There was a part of her - she assumed her conscience - that was sickened by her choices. Every couple of minutes, her stomach would turn into knots, and she would hate herself for what she was about to do.

No choice. This was her life now.

It was her or him.


She lifted her gaze, meeting Niccolo's eyes.

"Snap out of it."

"I'm fine."

"I can read you like an open book."

"You don't know me that well."

"You feel guilty. You wanna change your mind. But you can't."


"Did he give a shit when he invaded your privacy and jerked off while you were getting fucked?"

Alright, maybe that shouldn't be the example he was bringing up. After all, she was still a little pissed at Niccolo about that one. Even if he didn't carry the majority of the blame for the situation.

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