Part 7

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"I get the whole secrecy... but does it really have to be here?"

Gabriella crossed her arms in front of her chest as she backed into the bathroom door. She had waited the whole day for this conversation... only to be dragged into the bedroom's bathroom by Niccolo. Now, he had turned on the shower, filling the room with steam.


Niccolo smirked at her as he pulled away from the shower, turning to face her. He did not speak a word as he gripped the edge of his shirt, lifting it above his head and revealing his bare, tattoed chest to her eyes. Great. Now he was giving her a striptease.

"I'm leaving."

"Calm down," he said as he tossed his shirt at her feet. "We do have to be here. You think they don't have their ears to the door, waiting to catch a piece of gossip. Like you did."

She wasn't sure if a potential death threat qualified as gossip.

Gabriella gestured at his chest. "And the nakedness?"

"No reason why I can't do two for one. We're in here, I might as well shower."

"Yeah, no. Hard pass on that one."

"I seem to recall a few enjoyable showers."

"Then you hold on to your hand and those memories."

He smirked as he nodded, his hands lowering to his belt buckle. "Suit yourself, princess."

"So are you done flirting? Can we talk about what we heard?"

He shrugged. "Are you seriously surprised? You didn't think that could be a possible outcome?"

She frowned. "Are you joking? No, I didn't fucking think killing you would be a solution."

"I anticipated it. Didn't think they'd find out we were married that quickly. I also didn't think they'd be so nice right off the bat, but... Some people have big mouths. Maybe it leaked sooner than I thought."

These people were entertaining the idea of killing him. People that were currently in his home. People who had done nothing but disrespect him since the moment they got here. And this was his attitude towards it? Nonchalant? Seriously?

He chuckled, shaking his head at her as he slipped his pants off. "Come on sweetheart. They wouldn't be the big-shot family they are if they didn't entertain the idea of killing someone that stood in their way. You oughta know how it works by now."

His boxers soon followed, leaving him completely bare. And he didn't give a shit.

"And you're not worried?"

"Not much I can do about it. They won't do it here. I am prepared for it. That's how it goes. Plus, I'm not sure how much of our little act they bought. They won't do anything if they think you might suspect them. It won't help their cause."

She'd carried this weight with her all day, wondering if he might die, and he was casually talking about it, covering all of his bases.

"What about me?"

"What about you?"

"I'm in their way."

"You're not in their way, you're the way. Unless they get you to pop a baby girl, you're all they've got for now. If that's the way you wanna go about it, I'm happy to help you practice."

Gabriella ignored the burning in her cheeks as she marched towards him, raising her hand so that she could land one good slap. There was no doubt that he saw her coming but he didn't make any attempts to stop her.

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