Part 25

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"Can I say, I was pleasantly surprised you called me?"

Niccolo flicked his tongue against the back of his teeth as he glanced up from his coffee cup. Francesco was staring at him with a shit-eating grin on his face. Fuck. Could he trust him? No.

Did he have a choice?

Also no.

He didn't want to get to this point. He didn't want to do that. But, Gabriella ran out of options, and he ran out of... acceptable ones.

Niccolo had never truly trusted Francesco, and now was certainly not the time to start but... It was a hail mary.

"Cut the crap."

"Now, did I not agree to your rules?"

Niccolo hadn't wanted to meet him anywhere near where Gabriella was staying. He didn't trust Francesco, and he wouldn't put it past him to be working with either the Devil or the Mancini... or both.

Then again, he had to trust him if he was doing this. At least trust him to not be on the wrong side.

Were there even sides anymore?

He felt like he was drowning simply to keep her away from him.

"You hurt me, Niccolo. If I was going to betray you, wouldn't I have done it already?"

"No, not when you don't know where Gabriella is. Or not when you can't use anything against her."

Francesco chuckled. "Yes, it's true. I forgot. You are willing to throw your life away over a girl. I never thought I'd see the day when a woman had you wrapped around her finger."

"She doesn't."

"Is that so?" He licked his lips. "How the mighty has fallen."

If they weren't in Francesco's fucking limo, in the middle of butt fuck nowhere, he would have given him a black eye. But that wouldn't be a very good way of asking someone for a favor, now would it?

So he would hold back.

For now.

"My, my, so tame. Is this Mrs. De Luca's work?"

Now his left eye was twitching. Motherfucker. "Look are you here to talk or to fuck around?"

"So impatient. One of your flaws, truly."

"I don't have time to waste."

Francesco took his time taking a long sip from his drink. "The way I understand it, you've got nothing but time."

And the comments kept on coming. He didn't need the reminders.

"This is a waste of time," he finally said as he dropped the coffee in the cup holder. He didn't have much left - but he would keep as much of his fucking dignity as he could. Francesco wasn't the answer it seemed.

"Now, now. Calm down and sit down."

Gone was the light, playful tone. It even came across as an order.

Niccolo waited for a beat before settling back down into the leather seat. He crossed his legs and his arms and tilted his head to the side. "Fine. Then talk."

"You need something from me. Not the other way around."

"We both know you don't do charity. So what do you want?"

"What do you even have left to offer?"


He had nothing left.

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