Part 21

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"Not a word."

"I wasn't gonna say anything."

"You better not. I can and will kick your ass."

"Alright, princess."

Gabriella was unable to hold her snicker any longer, not after Lucas' perfect insult and she bent forward, giggling. As soon as she realized what she had done, she clamped a hand on her face. "So-sorry."

Niccolo's eyes narrowed. "You should be sorry about something else entirely."

"I don't know, I think she did good." He shrugged. "Maybe you shouldn't have let her tattoo you without looking or vetting."

He wasn't wrong.

She decided putting her name was too personal. Even couples in love shouldn't be doing something like that. In her opinion. But, it was a good way to use his creative nickname against him.

Gabriella saw an opportunity and she took it.

Now he had the word princess on the back of his leg. Forever.

His only salvation? She sucked at holding the required tools and so, it was a little wobbly, blurry. Part of him almost thought she wouldn't have the guts to do it, but she did enjoy proving him wrong.

"You know, I was gonna be nice, but I'm not so sure anymore."

She rolled her eyes. "Be nice, you? Really?"

Niccolo had no answers, no solutions. He hated being in such a position. He couldn't fix anything, he couldn't put back anything the way it was. He didn't want to be powerless, he hated it.

But there was one thing he could give her.

Well, it wasn't exactly what she wanted, but all things considered, he knew she would be pleased. It would boost his ego as well, and make him feel like he got some control back even if it was all a lie.

"Fine, don't talk to your mom."

And then there was silence.

Pure silence.

Not so funny anymore, was it?

"My- my mom?"

He nodded. "Yeah. Might not be able to see her, but we did talk about a phone call. Video chat if you will."

Niccolo looked at her as he felt her panic rumble through her chest, her cheeks turning red and her lips parting as each of her breaths looked laborious. "You better not be fucking with me."

He chuckled. "Trust me, I wouldn't wanna have you yell at me again. One speech is enough," he teased.


"I'm trying to work it out now. I don't trust any of these fuckers, so I wanna make sure we don't give away their location."

"With a phone call?"

"Oh, Gabby. You have so much to learn."

Phone, wiretap, tracing. He didn't know if anyone followed them here, bugged the place, their devices, communication... He couldn't take any chances. But, he knew she needed this, so he would make it happen.

There wasn't a lot he could do, he couldn't show off, and he couldn't snap his finger and make what he wanted happen. But this he could do. She could use the win, and so could he. His ego would welcome a small victory.

Plus, she would be grateful.

And maybe less bitchy.

He expected a little comeback, a snappy remark but - nothing. Nope, instead, Gabriella did something Niccolo did not quite expect. She hugged him. Gabriella launched herself at him, throwing her arms around his neck and squeezing as hard she could.

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