Part 16

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Gabriella rubbed her face, hoping to stir herself from her slumber. She cracked her neck to the side; the couch was not meant for multiple nights of sleep. Though this did beat being kidnapped and tortured, so she wouldn't complain too much.

A loud bang had woken her up from her sleep and since Lucas and her were the only people who were supposed to be there... She was really fucking hoping it was Lucas making all the ruckus. Since it was dark, she couldn't make out anything.

Though she could tell someone was sitting not far from her.

"Lucas?" she tried again.

"Don't, it's fine."

His voice sounded anything but fine. Instead of listening to him, she sat up on the couch and reached for the small lamp next to her. She flipped the switch, basking the area in a warm, yellow light.

Gabriella shut her eyes, shielding them from the light. After a second, she reopened them and saw that Lucas was sitting on a chair nearby, his back facing her. He was shirtless. Why would Lucas be shirtless?


"Gabriella, go back to sleep."

Yeah, there was definitely something off with his voice. She tossed the soft brown blanket off her body and hopped to her feet. Ignoring his warning - his second warning - she rushed by his side.

As she kneeled in front of him, it was evident what he was trying to hide from her. Injuries. His left eye was black and swollen and had a few cuts. She couldn't see it completely since he had an ice pack on it. The knuckles on both of his hands were battered, bleeding, and covered in cuts as well. He had a huge laceration on his neck, which she assumed came from a knife. Blood was still pouring out of it - too much blood.

What happened?

"Lucas, what the hell?"

He offered her a half-grin. "You said you needed the journal."

Her eyes widened. "You got it?"

He winced in pain as he nodded. She saw him trying to twist around to get something, and she reached out for him. The journal. Covered in dirt and blood... but there it was. Seeming relatively intact.

Fine. The book was important but not right now. What the heck happened to him? "How did this happen?"

"I miscalculated," he explained as he dropped his arm, the icepack clutched between his fingers.

"Miscalculated what? How many fists were coming at you?"

"That's a good one," he said as he turned around to grab a small pouch from the table next to him.

"What is that for?"

"To sew my neck."

"Lucas. You're not gonna sew yourself."

"Why, are you gonna do it?"

Well, alright. The thought of it was completely disgusting but... he got injured retrieving her journal so that she could get out of a deal she made. One he strongly encouraged she didn't. Everything he did so far was for her with no gain for himself.

She could at least sew his neck.

"Yes, I will."

Lucas popped his lips. "Have you ever sewn someone's flesh before?"

"Not... skin but... fabric." And it didn't end in a good, polished result but... Honestly how much better could he do on himself?

"Gabriella, I can do it myself."

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