Bar Fight

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"We're not going to get in Jim." Jessica stood with her arms crossed, looking up at the bouncer.

"Remember." Kirk put both hands on her shoulders and gave them a squeeze. "Don't think. Just do."

"Since when were you an expert on being an empath?" Jessica half turned to him and raised an eyebrow.

"Just bat your eyes and use your juju on him." Kirk hugged her tight.

Jessica sighed as she watched the line progress. Today was her birthday. She was seventeen. And what logic her brother saw in taking her to a bar, she'd never understand. He kept muttering something about life experiences.

They finally reached the line, and as predicted, blocked the way.

"One of you doesn't look quite old enough to enter." The bouncer peered down at them.

"We're all friends here right?" Jim playfully punched his arm.

Jessica sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "James...."

The bouncer held firm. "No admittance."

Jessica looked up at him. "Excuse me."

"I can't let you through, Princess."

"Right understood. Can you remove your sunglasses. I like to have eye contact while being rejected."

The bouncer seemed taken aback and Jessica thought he wasn't going to, but he placed his sunglasses on his head. The bouncer took a step foward and stood over her.

"Now listen closely Princess. You -"

"Can't go in. Yes you made that very clear." She placed a hand on his arm. And his mind wasn't hard to penetrate. In mere seconds, she could read his emotions. It wasn't hard to ignore the arousal in this bouncer. In fact she played into him.

"It would mean a lot to both me and my brother if you let us in. Even just for a few minutes." Her eyes began to darken as she began to seep into his mind.

"I...not your boyfriend?" A smirk seemed to play on his lips.

"Who? Jim. No he's not my boyfriend. I don't have one." Jessica smiled sweetly. His mind was feeble and there was only one thing on his mind.

"You know what. A half hour. Go in and enjoy yourself. Have a drink on me. Sisco will take good care of you and then come back and we can have a talk. How does that sound Sweetheart?"

Jessica giggled rubbed his arm. "Sounds perfect."

The bounce stepped aside and let them inside.

Jessica glanced over at her brother. He had that look. "What? You said and I quote use my juju."

"Yeah well...not that well." Kirk placed a hand on her back and lead her to the bar.

Jessica settled on a stool while her brother flirted with a cadet next to them. Typical. Jessica tried to tune it out until a burly looking cadet approached them.

"Is this guy bothering you ladies?"

The female cadet smiled."Beyond belief but it's nothing we can't handle."

Jessica watched Kirk stand up and pat his arm. "At ease Cupcake, it was a joke. Like your hairline."

Both her and the female cadet groaned in unison.

"Jim. That's enough." Jessica was resting her head on her hand. She didn't even have a drink.

The male cadet puffed out his chest. "What was that?"

Kirk smirked. "You heard me Moon Beam."

Jessica knew exactly where this was headed.

"You know how to count farm boy? There's five of us...and one of you."

"Jim...don't." But her brother had elected to ignore her.

"Ok so go get some more guys, come back, and it'll be an even fight."

That's when the cadet grabbed Kirk and the fight broke out. Jessica sighed, looking board.

The female cadet looked over at Jessica. "Please tell me that's not your boyfriend?"

Jessica glanced over at her. "Worse. We're related."

"My condolences. I'm Uhura." Uhura held out her hand.

Jessica straightened up and shook her head. "Jessica."

Glass went flying. Jessica held up her other hand, creating a shield to protect her and Uhura's faces.

"An empath..." Uhura looked at Jessica carefully as her hand dropped. "Why aren't you at Starfleet? I've heard you IQs rival that of a Vulcans."

Jessica sighed. "My mother seemes took think that finishing high school is more important."

Uhura blinked. "Are you even old enough to be here?"

"My brother seemed to think I needed a life experience." Jessica put the last two words in air quotations.

"Jess." Kirk was being thrown across the bar again.

Jessica looked at Uhura. "What's your concentration?"

She smiled. "Xenolinguistics. It's the study of -"

"Ailen languages: phonology, morphology, and syntax."

"Jessica." Kirk whined again.

Uhura smiled. "Impressive. How's your language class now?"

Jessica shrugged. "I'm sitting at 126% it's my lowest grade right now."

"Remind me...there's a Vulcan I need to introduce you to...he's a professor at Starfleet."

"JESSICA MARIE KIRK. I NEED CALM." Kirk was laying flat on a table.

Suddenly from what Jessica could tell a Starfleet Commander stormed in the bar. "Everyone out!"

Everyone, including Uhura quickly left. Only Jessica remained where she sat.

The commander looked over at Kirk. "Y'alright son?"

Kirk smiled. "You can...whistle really loud y'know that?"

Kirk then promptly passed out.

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