USS Enterprise

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"Regula I, Tracy, USS Farragut... USS Enterprise, McGrath, USS ... Vader, USS Hood, Moloughney, Ciara, USS...Enterprise...Kirk, Jessica,  USS...Challenger. Welcome to Starfleet, godspeed."

Ciara turned and looked at Jessica. "The Challenger? That's a Class B ship. Mainly used for smaller assignments, never more than a galaxy or two away."

Damn Spock. Jessica sighed, this was his doing. Not only had he accused her of helping her brother cheat, now he denied her to serve on the Enterprise. She had been dreaming of serving on that ship for over a year now.

She sighed and gave Ciara a long hug. "I know you don't like him, but do watch over him...for me."

"Oh, don't worry Princess I -"

"Ci - Vulcan, his home world, is in distress. Chew him out when we're back on Earth."

Ciara huffed, then gave Jessica another squeeze. "You take the fun out of everything."

They both headed in opposite directions. Jessica kept her head up. She wasn't going to look disappointed. She wasn't going to let him see her hurt.

She had almost reached the shuttle that would take her to the USS Challenger, when she heard a familiar voice.

"Kirk!" Captain Pike jogged to step in front of her. "The shuttle to the Enterprise is on the other side of the hanger."

Jessica immediately had her hands behind her back and straightened up. "I wasn't assigned to The Enterprise, Sir."

Pike narrowed his eyes. " a second..." Pike pulled up the list on his PADD. "Damn that Vulcan..."

Pike hit a few more things. "Alright....Lieutenant." Pike smiled ear to ear. "Now you’re assigned to the Enterprise. Come with me please."

Jessica was almost giddy and practically skipped next to Pike. She took the seat up front next to the Captain as it was the only one left.

It took off once the doors were closed.

Jessica practically had her nose to the window as they left the Earth's atmosphere. And when she saw the Enterprise for the first time, it nearly took her breath away.

"She's a beauty, isn't she?" Pike smiled next to her, admiring the ship as well.

"Aye sir."

Once the shuttle docked, Pike and Jessica headed in separate directions. She headed to her quarters to change. And once the door opened was nearly tackled to the ground.

"You're supposed to be on The Challenger!" Ciara and Christine had nearly tackled Jessica to the ground.

Jessica giggled, hugging them both. "Captain Pike reassigned me."

"God love that man." Christine straightened out her uniform. "Doctor Puri will absolutely love having you in Sick Bay."

The rooms communicator rang. Jessica went over and hit the button.

"Lieutenant Kirk here."
"Ah, excellent timing. Jessica, once you're changed into uniform, meet me on the bridge."

"Will do, Captain." Jessica acknowledged.

"Wonderful, Pike out."
The three girls exchanged a look.

"You to the bridge?" Ciara crossed her arms and cocked her head.

Jessica shrugged. She adjusted her uniform, she and Christine were dressed in Starfleet blue while Ciara was dressed in Starfleet red.

"Let me know how engineering and sick bay are. Though I'll probably be in sick bay before long."
Jessica hurried off towards the lift luckily she was able to catch the next one.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2023 ⏰

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