Radio Silence

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Jessica didn't speak to anyone as she exited the simulator. Tears were still fresh on her cheeks. Bones reached for her but she recoiled away. She sighed, mumbled through a half assed apology  and headed for the shower. She rocked herself under the showers as silent sobs filled the void. The water turned all the way on hot.

Bones paced outside the women's showers, every now and then looking at the door. "Damn it. I'm about to go get her. Who the hell even put her up to this in the first place?!"

"The green blooded hob goblin." Ciara leaned on the wall.

"Ci he's a well respected Commander and an admirable professor." Chapel sighed.

"The robot just better be glad he isn't here Tina. Or he'd be on the ground."

Four weeks. She hadn't spoken to him in four weeks. Technically it was four weeks three days eleven hous eight minutes forty-five, now fourty-six seconds. But Spock wasn't counting.  Spock looked at the empty classroom. It wasn't like her. Jessica had always lingered back until she was almost late to her next one. But four week. She had been one of the last in and nearly the first out. Not that Spock was taking notice. Her grades were still remarkable as ever but she hadn't engaged in discussions more than she was required to. And Spock had been purposefully engaged in topics he'd known her to be passionate about. If thinking about it logically, those were topics Spock had planned to cover.
Did he dare say he missed those debates? Illogical, of course. Class discussions were apart of the curriculum. 

Spock had been prepared for a month now to talk about her Kobayashi Maru results. She hadn't given him the chance. In his mind, Jessica left him no other choice.

"I thought Vulcans weren't supposed to be funny?" Ciara stood in the middle of theirs shared quarters, arms crossed eyebrows raised.

Spock raised an eyebrow. "Cadet Moloughney, I'm afraid I do not follow. What humor have I exhibited?"

Christine sighed. "What's the harm in telling him? He's a professor, not a stalker."

Ciara looked at her Chapel like she was a three headed dragon. "And when Jessica wants to talk to the pointy eared bastard, she will."

Spock went to open his mouth, but Christine was already talking. "Its been a month Ci. You've seen how she's been."

But Ciara wasn't listening and turned her attention back to Spock."She's not here, Professor."

Christine pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Then may I aquire her whereabouts?" Spock looked between the two Cadets.

"We've told you. Not here."
Christine gave a huff and then spoke. "The butterfly gardens in the Botany Pavillion. She's been going there to study the last several weeks."

"CHRISTINE!" Ciara looked at her in shock.

"Thank you, Cadet Chapel." Spock gave a nod of his head and departed.

The Final Frontier Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora