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Later that evening, her and Bruce headed to the main floor, to have dinner with Tony and Pepper. She hadn't stopped grinning since their encounters in her office, mainly because she had kept control of Tia. She looked up at Bruce, as she was tucked into his side, seeing him completely relaxed.

'How you doing Doc?'... She grinned.

Bruce couldn't help but get lost in that smile of hers. He chuckled, kissing the top of her head... 'I feel great. I can't believe I kept control. Its like, he wasn't there. What about you?'

'Same. Although Tia didn't shut up afterwards, I felt like me. She said she'd go 'read a book'..'.. She air quoted, causing him to laugh... 'While we're busy'

The elevator door opened, and the two of them stepped out. She saw Tony turn with Pepper, and he gave them an assessing look... 'Well well, and my tower is still standing. Must not of been that good..'

Sophie grabbed her slipper off her foot and threw it at him. He ducked, laughing... 'Don't even start asshole. Be thankful we didn't tear this place apart. You know it's not easy for me to be with someone, because of Tia..'

*I'm still here. Not as though I'm going anywhere*

Sophie closed her eyes, rubbing her forehead... 'Do not mock or tease us Tony. Its taken us a while to have even the slightest control while we're together..'

'Sorry..'...Tony out his hands up, seeing the look on her face. He sighed, walking over and wrapping his arms around her... 'Sorry Soph. You too Banner. I'm glad you were able to have control..'.. He stepped back and turned to go sit on the couch... 'Don't want the details though..'

Sophie took Bruce's hand, and they both went to sit, Bruce took a comfy chair and she sat on the floor, leaning against the chair, his legs either side of her.

'I'm happy Tony, we both are..'.. She patted Bruce's leg... 'I'm with someone who understands me, isn't afraid of me, who loves me for me..'

'Same..'.. Bruce sighed, as Tony leaned over, handing them both a drink... 'Didn't think it was possible. I know a normal life isn't on the cards, but Sophie, she makes it all worth it. I've never had anyone fight for me, the way that she does..'

'I'll fight anyone who dares to come at you. Same with Tony, Pepper, Happy... They're my family. You are too..'.. She felt him shift, as he kissed her head.

The elevator opened again, with Pepper and Happy walking out, carrying takeout for them all... 'We just need to find a woman for Happy now..'.. Sophie grinned at him.

'No no, I can find my own, thanks..'... Happy says, taking the other chair, as Pepper sat on the couch with Tony.

'Ok, I won't push it, but if you change your mind, let me know..'.. Sophie moved to her knees, and began to unpack their food, handing Bruce his.

'So, Fury still pissed?'... Sophie stopped what she was doing, and gave Tony a wicked grin.

'Oh yeah. And he still has no proof that it's me. You know he's trying to work around the deal, trying to find a loophole. He's determined to find anything he can, as a means to lock me and Bruce up..'.. She grabbed her food, shuffling to sit comfortably on the floor.

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