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*1 month later*

Sophie had been keeping an eye on all chatter running through SHIELD. She found it amusing that Fury had people rake through the systems daily to find if there was anyone breaching the systems, and her being her, had taken to making it a game. Every time someone was searching for any hack, she would send Fury an email from the person looking, with photos of his face edited onto a donkey.

She would then sit and watch on SHIELDs security footage, of him getting angry. He had no idea how good, she really was.

Her and Bruce were still together, and their relationship was going good. They still hadn't gone further than kissing and touching, but her restraint was wearing thin. She wanted him, and knew he wanted her.

Dropping her feet off her desk, she called Tony on her screen for a video call.

'How is my favourite sister?'...

'I'm your only sister. I was calling to check in, but considering how you answered, something tells me you want to ask a favour..'... She sighed, shaking her head.

'Uh, maybe?'..

'Out with dipshit. What do you need?'... She sat back in her seat, watching as he moved back to work on a new suit.

'Mr Andrews wants to hold a ball in our honour, for everything we've done to help. He'd like us to be there..'... He said to her as he pushed his stool around the suit.

Sophie dropped her head, letting out a big sigh... 'That will be the first time that the public have seen me, in weeks. You sure the company can handle the bad press?'

'The gossip has died down, and you actually came out really well in the press. With every one of your contacts coming forward to speak on your behalf, the people you've helped, it out weighs the bad..'...

'I don't give a fuck what they think of me Tony, I give a fuck about how it affects you, Bruce and our staff..'.. She says sitting forward, as she sees Bruce walk in. He smiles at her, as he sits on her couch.

'Your staff love you, hell my staff love you. The whole damn company loves you. They love you more than me..'.. Tony scoffs... 'You should be the boss and give me a break..'

'I'm a boss bitch, that counts. Look, I'll go to the thing, that's no issue, I'll get in touch with Mr Andrews, and smooth out the details. I have a few more contacts wanting to make the foundation a global effort. I persuaded them, its a tax write off for them, plus it boosts their public image..'... She watches Bruce, and can't help but fidget in her seat.

'No surprise there really. Look, me and the company, the staff, we all love you. We got your back. Whatever the press want to say, we'll work on it. Besides, I'm sure Bruce will be there with you. Poor guy is hopelessly in love with you, he'd do anything for you..'...

She watched Bruce's eyes go wide and he blushed, shuffling in his seat. She chuckled at his reaction... 'Is that so? Well it's a good thing I'm in love with him too, huh. Think I should tell him?'

'I thought you both already did. I mean you're pretty much living together here, see each other everyday...'..

'Yeah yeah. Soppy couple bullshit really. I'm off, catch you later Baloney..'... She saw Bruce stand up, walking over to her desk.

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