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Sophie stayed on the roof, taking out as many as she could from her vantage point. She had called out any strays and stragglers, making sure to keep tabs on Tony. When she heard an alien speed thing come closer, she whipped around, letting her rifle go, and grabbing her gun.

Seeing the redhead woman land on the roof near her, she smirks, putting her gun down... 'Nice to see you again Agent Romanoff'

Natasha frowns at the woman, then a moment of recognition hits her... 'Hi..'.. She pants out, clearly tired and in pain... 'You're our sniper?'... She asks, getting up and looking around.

Sophie turns back, picking up her rifle and continuing to take out the aliens... 'That I am. If you're looking to stop the machine, you're going to need to wake up Selvig'

She doesn't bother looking over at the other woman, but hears her over by Selvig, waking him and talking to him... 'We need the scepter. Its down on the balcony'

She hears the Agent run off, into the tower. Sophie assumed she was getting the scepter. It wasn't long before she had returned. Sophie kept her attention, to her task, hearing the two behind her.

'I can close it. Does anyone copy? I can close the portal'... She hears the woman call out.

Not taking notice of the others through her comm, she aims and takes out two that were behind the Captain, down on the street. Hearing the sound of Tony flying by, she looks up, watching him hold a nuke, and flying it through the portal.

'Tony, you better come back to me. I didn't come here, just for you to die on me now'... She began to internally panic. She knew she had to keep control.

She watched as the portal began to close, and she mentally prayed for Tony to come back. Just at the last second, she sees Tony falling back through. She frowns, noticing he wasn't slowing down or flying off.

She got up, ready to give in and let 'her' take over, when Hulk came out of nowhere, catching Tony. They hit a building as the two of them fall. Sophie leans over the edge, seeing Hulk turn, taking the brunt of the fall with Tony in his arms.

Sophie let out a breath of relief, hearing Hulk roar and Tonys voice come through her comm. She laughed, hearing him panic over someone kissing him.

Dropping back to sit against the wall, she looks over to the Agent, and to Selvig... 'Hey Doc, you doing ok?'

Selvig frowns at the woman who had just spoken to him, realising he knew her... 'Dr Connors?..'.. He sits back on the ground, holding his head... 'I'm alright. Just a headache'

Sophie sighed, grabbing her rifle, and standing. She walks over to Selvig, offering him a hand up. He takes it, and she lets him lean against her, as she puts an arm around his back.

'Agent Romanoff, bring the stick with you. Let's head down. I can take care of Selvig, you go see the others'... The three make their way back inside, and into the elevator.

Romanoff gets off on the main floor, while Sophie stays inside with Selvig, as they travel down to her lab. When the doors open, she sees the mess and chaos around her. Shaking her head, she knew she'd have words with Tony about it.

'This way Doc. I'll get you patched up and checked over'... She leads him to her office, and had him sit on her couch. Sophie puts her rifle down by the door, before heading to her medical station. Pulling out her kit, she heads back to Selvig, and cleans him up.

Sophie hears the others on her comm, so she pulls it out, calling to Jarvis... 'Hey Jarvis, let Tony know I'm down here with Selvig. If he needs me, come see me'

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