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Jeongin entered the room.
Seungmin was violently coughing, he didn't stop one second, that's when he saw his hand...It was covered with blood..Why?
Why was Seungmin coughing blood?
Jeongin went over Seungmin's side of bed immediately, he saw the food was thrown away in the floor, something was wrong with the food? What could go so wrong?
He tried to reach out to Seungmin, but he just kept on pushing him away, did Seungmin suspect Jeongin?
"SEUNGMIN, TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED?!" Jeongin Shouted at Seungmin

"If you don't tell me how will I help you?!

By this time, the other 3 had came in the room. All of them were horrified.
"Fuck, IS THAT GLASS?!" Felix screamed
After looking at it closely, he realised there were tiny particles of glass in the food.
It wasn't just a bit, it was a lot. Like a whole glass was broken into pieces and put in there.
Seungmin was coughing so hard he couldn't breath.
"Did they get stuck in his throat?!"
"Fuck.." Jeongin couldn't think, he was panicking more than Seungmin at this point
"One of you! Call 1507 from 15th floor, Immediately."
Changbin went out of the room to call this person. It was a pretigious doctor. He had helped Jeongin before..when he was shot for the first time.
In the mean time, Felix started to bake patatos and bananas, he heard it helps to swallow small sharp things from throat.

Although it wasn't much blood, but as there were too many glass pieces, it scared the shit out of both Seungmin and Jeongin.
When the doctor from 15th floor came, he examined if he had pieces stuck around his chest and intestine. Hopefully not, which made them relieved.
The baked things made the pieces get swallowed, Felix was happy to see that. But the one who was happier right now was Jeongin.
The 4 of them got out of the room,
"Do you think it was Kwang's doing?" began Jeongin
"It could be, but how would he know seungmin's here?" Said Felix
"Maybe the 3 of them told that Seungmin was kidnapped" Spoke up changbin
"Then those 3 will be killed soon!" Said Minho
"...Guys, you need to start with your mission now." Said Jeongin
"Should we start from tomorrow?"
"Yes, you need to be fast."

After sometime of discussing, they finally left. Leaving only Jeongin and Seungmin alone again.

The 3 of them wondered why he cared so much about the boy.
"I mean, if it was some other target of his, he would probably be dead by now." said Minho
" Why's Jeongin being so considerate to this boy?" Said Felix

Jeongin went inside the room, Seungmin was struggling to sleep with the handcuffs on.
"Are you okay?" Jeongin said
Seungmin narrowed his eyes and forrowed his eyebrows.

"sigh Can you at least talk to me? I just saved your life?"

"Right. Save my life" Seungmin said, taunting his words

Jeongin went and sat beside Seungmin.
"Do you feel okay?" Asked Jeongin

Seungmin hesitated but he answered, "Hmm"

Jeongin smiled softly, he lifted up his hand and patted the boy's head.
Seungmin was weirded out, he thought he was a psychopath..but the same time, he liked it..He hadn't gotten affection since he was a kid..It felt...somewhat good to him.
Jeongin looked down at Seungmin's hands, he asked, "Do you want me to open them?"
Seungmin face lighted up, he started nodding
"Then you'll have to sleep with Me, in the other room" Said Jeongin smirking
"...No thanks" Seungmin said with a disgusted face
"Then..stay here with handcuffs on" Jeongin got up and started to go
Seungmin held his hand and started requesting
", if you want me to open it you have to be in my room with me"
"Please?..My hands hurt" At this point, Seungmin was literally just making puppy eyes and tried his best
Jeongin in the other hand, was already melted by the cuteness. He looked like a puppy,
''so cute.."
"Huh?" asked Seungmin
"Fine..I'll uncuff you" Jeongin sat down again, starting to uncuff his hand
"But you better not break my trust" He said

After uncuffing his hands, he closed the door and went to his room.
But ofc, Seungmin had other plans. After the way he was treated by this guy, he understood that he was probably just a weirdo who likesvhim. He wanted to take advantage of that, and he did. He got his hands uncuffed, with no one to watch over him, and the door not being locked.
Now he could either get out of the house by jumping out the window, but not possible cause it's the 20th floor or He could also get out of there by escaping through the main door. That's what he thought of doing. He went out of his room sneakily, but to his surprise, the main door was smart locked. It need Jeongin's face and handprint to unlock the door. How smart.
Now the only choice was to get Jeongin himself. The door didn't have any keys, so he needed the guy himself. After some thinking, he thought of doing something  and when he's finally unconscious, he could get the hand print...It was risky, but worth trying. He knew he wasn't that bad with his phyisical strength.

Seungmin went inside the room, it was dark as hell. But he could see a bit, where the bed was, where the table was..And where Jeongin was.
Seungmin tiptoed his way to the side of Jeongin's bed. He took a pillow from the sofa and thought of suffocating the boy.

Seungmin placed the pillow on top of Jeongin's face and pressed as hard as he could.

"MMH!" Jeongin was loosing his strength for the loss of breath.

After a short while, he was done for. Seungmin slowly widrawed the pillow in his hand, looking at Jeongin who was laying in his bed.. unconscious?
"It was that easy?" Seungmin as he placed his finger in his nose to check if he's breathing.
Seungmin was gonna lift up his finger, that's when he was stopped..Another hand grabbed him, he immediately looked at his hand to see what it was... Jeongin wasn't unconscious?!

Turns out Jeongin just acted his way out. He grabbed seungmin's hands, pinning him down to the bed as he got on top of him. He took the gun which was below his head pillow.
"Alexa, turn on the lights" He asked his smart assistant to turn on the lights...
He was right afterall..It was Seungmin

Seungmin was terrified, his plan was totally failed
Jeongin looked straight into his eyes, his face was filled with anger and disappointment. After all, he trusted him, he's even trying his best to protect Seungmin and his whole team, but in return, he got what? Trying to be killed?

Jeongin got down on the floor. He roughly took Seungmin's hands and got out of the room, he entered Seungmin's room, throwing him onto the bed. He looked through the draweres and took out 2 handcuffs. He cuffed Seungmin's one hand with one side of the bed, and the other with the other side of the bed.
The bed was pretty small, but it was streching his hands a lot, making Seungmin get hurt, he squinted his eyes.

"I told you I was protecting you, but you're forcing me to do things like this which will hurt you...Now repent."
He slammed the door, getting out of the room.

Seungmin was in the urge of tears..Both for being hurt, and not listening to Jeongin.."I shouldn't have done that..Fuck!"

Jeongin leaned against the door.."Hah..Why break my trust?"

tbc...Y'all enjoying? ;_;

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