Bad idea..

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Let's go and see the other 2, while seungmin and bangchan were in the party. Hyunjin and Han were in the club, devourer. They were sure they would find atleast someone or something which would give them an idea.

Han and Hyunjin started searching for the gangsters XXX had contact with, they both went seperate ways as the club was really big.
(Keep in mind, this club is in a really high rise building, the club's floor was 16th)

Han and Hyunjin who were searching for small hints which could help them, didn't know obviously..that the reason they were looking for hints, for already there with them.

Minho and Felix had originally went to the club to enjoy themselves for awhile. But after some time, they noticed Han and Hyunjin, those two being "dumb and brave" didn't wear masks or anything whatsoever. And ofc, Minho and Felix recognised them (from the previous pics they saw)

Minho's pov

"Ay, do you recognise them?" points at Han and Hyunjin
"Shit, aren't they from Sa4?" Said Felix as he put his wine glass down
"Thought I'd enjoy myself today, nevermind" Said Minho as he sat up and started to think

"What now? do we go...or..."

"Felix, Let's go with my plan" Minho Looks at Felix
"Wait- which one am i getting?" says Felix
"I've already chosen my target, the other one is all yours" says Minho as he got up
"Alright then" Says Felix
Minho was about to start moving when he got a call...It was i.n
"Huh? why is he calling me" Minho picks up the call
"What is it?" Minho picks up
"Hyung are you busy?" Says i.n with a... excited tone..
"About to be, tell me fast"
"Well..I caught the 2 of them "

"Seriously?! Wait, why were they in the party?" Says Minho, looking back at Felix with a happy face

"I'm not sure about that...But" Said I.n as his voice lowered
"Can i of them?"
"Huh..? what do you mean? as in kidnapping??" Minho's eyebrows raised with a confused face
"What?! No, I.n, What the hell are you saying" Minho's voice raised, Felix went infront of Minho, trying to understand what's going on
"Why not?!..He looks nice..." I.n was saying anything at this point for Minho
"...WTF ARE YOU BULLSHITING ABOUT I.N?!" Minho raised his voice really high this time, he was absolutely devastated with this statement.
He knew it had happened again..I.n was being too much again. This had happened before, plenty of times. I.n would kidnapp his targets, why?...well, one could say, he would become obsessed with them, or thier behaviour, or perhaps thier looks. He was kinda pychotic, like Hyunjin.
"HELLO! I.N, SPEAK" Shouted Minho, he knew something bad was about to happen, but before replying to Minho at all, I.n cut the call.
"Damn it!!"
"What happened? wtf is going on?" asked Felix with a worried face
"Chill, Hyung, he's matured enough, he doesn't even like to do this shit anymore, he wouldn't go that far again" Said Felix as he calmed Minho down
"C'mon, you know him, he's like 'i hate faking my feelings for someone' one second, then he's like 'i'll make you feel so much pain, you'll want it again and again' another second. Said Minho placing a hand in his head
"Hyung, don't worry, nothing like that will happen again, I've talked to him before this, you go look for your guy"
"Oh shit, you're right, I'll go then!" Said Minho as he ran off to find Han

"Jeongin you better not do something fucking dumb again" Said Felix as he sat down, sipping on his wine

On the other side Jisung already found someone, it was Ray (the white haired dude who trades with XXX). "Oh hell yea" Said Han as he was about to pay on his shoulder.
Thats when someone pulled him with force, pinning him to the wall, with both his hands grabbed by the other person, It was so dark he couldn't see who it was even.
"HEY WTH, WHO ARE YOU?!" Han panicked, while struggling
"Don't scream, listen to me. I'm not here to hurt you"
"How can I believe you?! you're literally pinning me to the wall and won't let go of my hands"
"I know who and what you're here for."
Han went silent immediately after he heard that
"I'll help you. But you need to come with me somewhere"
"Ho-How can i trust you.."
"That's upto you. But if you miss this chance, i dont think you'll get any other."
Han was confused, why would a Stranger who never talked to him, was helping him. After some while he finally gave up and thought to himself I'll see whatever happens, after all, I'm strong too, and I've got a gun myself .
"Okay. I trust you" Said Han
"Good, then we'll go to the hotel above us" Said the guy as he was about to move
"But..why can't we talk here?"
"It's crowded, and filled with thier people, it's better to go somewhere private and talk"
The Guy, who was Minho if you didn't guess by now, held Jisung's hand and went to the 20th floor through the escalater. Han was looking at the pretty boy who was leading him . He didn't get a glance of him in the club, so he kept on staring at him as they went to the room.
After 2 mins, they finally got to thier room.

Minho Closes the door


(ahhh- be excited for the next epi ;))

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