Lavender Skeleton -Chapter 36-

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Nightmare's POV

I was still very tired when the guards released me after having enough witnesses to prove Dream guilty. The concrete jail cell wasn't ideal to sleep in, and I couldn't sleep after seeing what conditions Dream left Ink in. I was starting off into space, but that was broken when Swap entered the the waiting room. I got up and went over to him.
"Can we go see Ink now?", I asked. You could hear it in my voice. I was tired, but Swap just nodded in agreement. I guess he wants to know how Ink is too.
Swap lead the way to Sci's hospital as we all followed him. I didn't realize how late it was, and it made me worry if hospital visiting hours were over.
Sci greeted us at the door, expecting us to come by. "Visiting hours are over. However, Ink is awake and I'm sure you're all worried". I didn't want to waste my time taking to him, so I just nodded slightly. "Very well then. Follow me", Sci lead the way to Ink's room where he lied on a bed wrapped in bandaids from head to toe. I was pulled away by Sci for a minute.
"You need something Sci?", I asked, breaking my promise to not waste my words on him.
"Nightmare, from my understandings, he is in your care now. And yes, I know you didn't put him in this condition, but Ink has countless cuts and bruises. He suffers from a broken leg that seems pretty damaged to me. I don't even know if it will heal properly", Sci exclaimed.
I nodded before speaking, "Sci, I've known Ink for a long time now. I know how to take care of him. Just tell me what I need to know about his injuries", I honestly didn't have time for this right now. I'm growing impatient. Sci seemed to know that though. He handed me a small booklet.
"This is everything you need to know. Read through it. After that, Ink should be here for a few days at most", he left before I could say another word. Good, I have important matters to handle. Ink is one of them.
I entered the room Ink was in and walked up to him. He looked at me blankly like he didn't now me. He opened his mouth to say something but nothing. "How are you doing Ink?", I asked, my voice trying to be soft and gentle. His eyes widened.
"Nightmare! Your bones are just as pearly white as it was when I first met you!", he sound excited, but his voice was so weak. I just smiled.
"Wait, you guys known each other before Nightmare was a goopy octopus?", Cross questioned. I smacked him hard in the back of his head, resulting in him rubbing the area that was struck. Ink laughed a little.
"He was a little Lavender Skeleton. And he still smells like Lavender, just faintly now", Ink spoke softly, not breaking eye contact with me.
"We should get going soon. Ink needs rest and so do we. Ink, get well soon", Swap spoke up. Ink nodded. I have Ink a little kiss on his cheek before leaving.

We all got back home and we decided that it needed to be cleaned before Ink returned, but we were all to sleepy to do so.

In the morning, we all gathered together and started cleaning. I cleaned out my room and made it suitable  for Ink to come in if he needed any equipment to help him get around. After that, I started to clean a spare room for Swap. The others where cleaning the house down. Nothing special really. After we were done, we had some spare time. Visiting hours in the hospital were from 1:00pm - 5:30pm. Between the hours of lunch and supper. It was 11:54am at the moment. So as we waited, the other talked around themselves as Swap gone out to buy food, and I read the booklet Sci gave me. Dream really did some damage. Ink might just have to stay in a wheelchair for quite sometime. Not what I had in mind for Ink to be in a wheelchair for, but it is what it is.
I looked up at the clock, it was almost time to go. "We should go now", I got up as I said that. Everyone agreed. "If we walked there, we will be there on time", I said.
"Walking it is then!", Swap piped in. It was out the door we went.

Ink's POV
I was put into a wheelchair and Sci gave me some meds. "Take these in the morning. Try not to take other meds with them. It might effect the medication's purpose", he instructed. I nodded. I looked out the front doors to see Nightmare and everyone else. I bet they are coming to see me. The door opens when they come in. Happy to see me. "Ink may go home today, just be careful with him though", Sci told Nightmare. Nightmare nodded.
I felt a cold breeze go by me. It must be from the outside air. "Night, I feel cold", I complained. I expected him to laugh a little, but no. He took off his cloak and wrapped me in it. There was a collective gasp from the others. Nightmare had revealed himself wearing his old clothes. "Huh, that's why you faintly smell of lavender", I softly said, wrapping the cloak around myself tightly, "You're wearing your old clothes".

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