Chapter 10 : Better Days.

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Pete POV

Golf : How do you feel Pete ?

Pete : I'm good.. I mean.. I feel sore obviously..
And you ?

Golf : That's great to hear. We can rest all day here until you feel better, you know. Do you mean the bite on my skin or the scratches ? Don't worry, it's my pleasure to have your mark on me, baby boy.

Pete : It was.. I can't describe it.. Intense.. And awesome.. Wonderful.. I never was this free to try things.. You did give me an order to try what I want..

Golf : You loved it ? Then I will send you to Heaven with my toys next time.

Pete : You want to do it again with me ?

Golf : Of course, I do. I like you Pete. Should I say I was into you since we met for the first time.

Pete : I like you too.. You were so kind to me, always handsome walking by me with a nod and a smile to make me feel seen. I thought it was nothing, but actually with last night, I think it was something growing bigger in my heart.. You took me in your arms, and I felt like home. Is it strange ? I feel familiar when I came to present myself as it wasn't our first time, and I didn't know where I could have met you except the main family.

Golf : You're too cute, I want to eat you. I don't blame you for not recognizing me because we met when you came from your hometown to Bangkok. I changed a lot, I grew up taller, bigger. But I could remember the face of this young boy following me every time I came to the main family. You were shy to talk, meanwhile your eyes were always on me and you mesmerized me. I wanted to get to know you more. I came often just to see you even when you went into training to be a bodyguard. I spent a year watching you, I was less brave younger, when I made my mind to really talk to you. My family started to avoid the Theerapanyakun and stopped every deal with them, I couldn't come anymore. I thought I would still see you at a party, but you became Tankhun's bodyguard hiding yourself in his room.

Pete : I knew you were familiar. I didn't know it was you ! I remember how I become confused because you were always around, I found myself all shy, unable to stop my heart faster.. I never told anyone, it was because of you that I wanted to work for Tankhun and never because of Kinn. I never have a crush for Kinn, I was fascinated by him, but for you it wasn't the case.. I found myself taking my time to be ready in the morning, trying to smile and speak in front of my mirror. Every time, you came I could only smile for you, I was angry with myself to not even ask you basic stuffs as what you liked. I was dumb to think you were tired of me to never come back at the house when I couldn't leave the place because of my dumb decision. I missed the time where we walked almost next to each other without speaking, no words were needed and it made my day. That's when I started to feel bored there without seeing you.

Golf : After a while, I was sent abroad for my studies, so even if you asked to work for Kinn. At some point, the fate was going to end the same. I even hoped to see you around when I started to date Vegas, to know what you become when I came back after years. You probably don't know, but I saw you one time before you came to my family for work.
I was in my car looking in the window at a red light when I saw you clenched by the rain with your luggage, you were sad and it broke my heart to recognize you there. I was ready to get down, to bring you with me. But then you went inside a coffee shop. I did the only thing which seemed right, I asked one of my bodyguards to do a check on you. I went home with a heavy heart and I didn't feel better when I was told what happened to you. Pete, it was my regret to let you run away from me and I wanted to take care of you, I still want to. You're precious to me. Maybe it's too soon for you, but it has been for ages that I was waiting for you. You can't imagine how happy I was when you knocked on my family's door for work. I was sad that you didn't recognize me even if I don't blame you for that as I said I changed a lot. You must be lost right now.

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