Chapter one

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20th October 2005

It was late at night. Not that late but at this time, you, Ridor Kisaki, were usually sleeping and snoring like you weren't going to school the next day.

You were driving on your motorcycle to some random place Tetta, your baby brother, had guided you to. Apparently, he got accepted into a gang and was about to be nominated third division captain. It's a shame you couldn't join his silly gang, really.

"Sweetie, are you sure I can't join? Like, one hundred pourcentage sure??" The younger Kisaki just frowned at your choice of words and shook his head. "Keep driving. We're almost there. And please don't call me 'sweetie' or any nicknames when we're with the gang." You just rolled your eyes and hummed. "Got it~"


"THIRD DIVISION CAPTAIN, PLEASE STEP FORWARD." Pah-chin's arrest was a shock for everyone. And a blessing for others, the others being you and your lovely little brother.

You knew everything about his plan, but couldn't care less. If Tetta was happy, you were happy. You were with him when he manipulated Mikey into letting him join the gang in exchange of Pah-chin's liberty of whatever. And it worked.

He adjusted his glasses on his nose and started walking confidently towards the front."Let's go." He said. You hummed and followed him closely.

Everyone turned around to see their new captain, some were even betting on who it could be. Was it you, the tall and bubbly-looking girl, or was it the guy you were following, a younger and shorter boy with an aura that screamed seriousness? If you happened to be the new captain, most of these gang members would lose at least ten euros.

At the front, right at the start of the stairs, your brother made eye contact with another blond. You had a doubt on who it was. Was he the small noirette your brother strangely admired or was he some random kid who just happened to be here just like you? When you walked past him, you gave him a firm nod as a greeting.

Tetta sat down on the stairs, turning his back to the one who invited him. You stood right next to him. You were about to speak when yells, insults, curses and more were thrown at your brother.

You were shocked for a few seconds "Who do you think you are, fucker? Aren't you going to introduce yourself?!" You felt your eye twitch.

"Uhm... Excuse me, everyone! Listen up!" You wanted to do this nicely and calmly, but they were all forcing you to raise your voice. You sounded really confident in whatever you were doing right now. Your voice was loud, very loud, so everyone could hear you clearly. "Uh.. The guy sitting next to me is the new third division captain, Tetta Kisaki!" You let out a breath you didn't even know you were holding.

"Uh? I know that guy.." "Isn't he from Moebius??" "Yeah! That's Kisaki from Moebius!" You sighed with annoyance and peeked at your brother, he was very calm.

After the big revelation, most of the gang members went mad, more mad than when Tetta sat down in front of Mikey. They even started insulting you, what have you even done to get insulted?

You wanted to go home. You were on the verge of yelling and telling them to shut up, but the vice-president beat you to it with a loud and aggressive "SHUT UP!" all the males reunited tonight went silent. You sighed, relieved. It was so silent, nobody was talking. It sounded like they all stopped breathing.

"MIKEY CHOSE HIM. IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THAT, SAY IT TO HIS FACE!" The vice-president sure was scary. He was tall and had a dragon tattoo on his temple. His face was so serious and he was also very bulky.

Mikey spoke up "Our gang will soon confront Valhalla!" On the contrary, the president himself was very short and not intimidating at all. You saw his arms earlier, saying he was skinny would be a lie. "Valhalla is a rising power with numbers Moebius could only dream of. To beat them, Toman needs to become more powerful too. With Kisaki, we've got a guy from Moebius who's been in charge of the guys of our generation."

You stopped listening to the speech as soon as your brother got his credits. You weren't interested in all the gang stuff. And you couldn't concentrate on something other than biology for more than 20 minutes so..

"Leader!" You got snapped back to reality because of your brother's call "Thank you very much!" You watched your brother bow to his leader and you followed the movement by pure respect. "...yeah." was all Mikey could respond.

Tetta spoke "We're getting out of here" You squealed and stretched "Finally! I was starting to get hungry and bored. What do you want to do tonight-!"

Your body moved on its own. It's only when you stumbled and groaned that you realized what had happened. You hugged your stomach and shook your head to maybe release the pain.

"...Takemitchy?!" The short boy you saw earlier just punched you in the stomach. But you weren't his main target, Tetta was. You protected your brother and ended up getting hurt, worth it or whatever.

Takemichi, you remembered him. He was the little kid Tetta used to admire when he was in elementary school.

You giggled when you felt a hand touch your back. You stood up straight, but not without groaning. "Don't worry, Tetta. Your big sister is okay~" You saw his nose scrunched up with annoyance and it made you chuckle even more.

You watched Takemichi try to explain himself to the now four dangerous males in front of him. You smirked and nudged your brother "Eh. If I were him, I would probably be pissing in my pants right now." You gasped as the four dangerous males turned into five. A violent ravenette joined in, punching and humiliating the one who punched your stomach.

Apparently, the ravenette was named Baji. Takemichi's face was all bloody. You wanted to feel bad but he punched you, so forget that.

When the fight ended, Tetta called out for Takemichi and asked him a weird question. "Hey, Takemitchy, face or guts?" the poor boy was as confused as you. "Uhm.. guts..?" You suddenly remembered that one time you asked the same exact question to a nobody who was bullying your brother. When he answered guts, you punched his face till his nose was all bloody. You smiled. Your brother was taking after you after all.

Kisaki punched the blond right in the face "oooh Bam!" You cheered. "You were ready to receive it in the guts, hm?" Tetta snickered before walking away. You watched Takemichi trip on his own feet and collapse on the hard floor. "That's what you get for punching innocent people." You turned around, flipped your hair and speed-walked to catch up with your brother. It was time to go home and sleep.

You yawned as you removed your shoes and lazily made your way over to the couch. Driving was so tiring. Your brother was quick to join you in the living room

"oh yeah," You remembered that you didn't have anything to eat other than cereals. Cereals before going to bed? Usually, yes. Today, you didn't feel like it. "What do you want to eat tonight? I can make French fries." Your brother shrugged "Let's just eat rice I don't mind-" you suddenly had the biggest revelation of your whole life. Your mother recently bought chips and all sorts of snacks "ooh! Let's have a Movie night!" Your brother slapped his face with his hand and sighed.

You jumped off the couch and ran to the kitchen. You grabbed your favorite snacks and put them on the cute little table you convinced your mother to buy in front of the couch.

You selected a movie and the two of you got comfortable on the couch.

You were only there to eat. Not once have you been invested in the movie. The snacks were gone in less than an hour and you got easily irritated at that.

"You ate them all! Tetta, you'll get so fat!" Your brother frowned and opened his mouth to retort "What? You're the one who ate all of them!" You gasped dramatically and jumped on him.

He tickled your sides and your body twisted weirdly in order to stop the tickle attack. You begged him to stop. Fully aware that if he didn't, you'll piss yourself right here right now.

After the movie and after half an hour, you got really tired. Maybe it was because you were so comfortable and at peace, cuddling with your little brother, but you were very tired.

You yawned loudly, on purpose of course, and hugged your brother a little tighter "Hey, let go." He tried to make you move but you didn't budge. Legend says you fell asleep and snored the whole night. On the couch. With your brother.

Hey guys! This is my first fanfic so please be nice with me 😞 I hope you'll enjoy reading the rest!

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