Chapter three

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31st October 2005, the young boy named Baji Keisuke died during the Valhalla versus Toman conflict, also known as Bloody Halloween. Your brother was the mastermind behind the conflict. You weren't present that day but felt guilty about the noirette's death. You could've easily stopped your little brother, but you didn't.

Your brother was everything for you. You agreed to help him with his stupid plans, thinking he wouldn't go that far and that he wasn't serious. But it backfired badly. He was dead serious and determined. You didn't really care though. You never worried or thought about your brother being locked up since you knew he was always so careful.

Your new friend, Hanma Shuji, was lying on your bed while smoking. "You're too calm, Ridor. Are ya still sad about that guy dying?" You nodded and sighed. "You're blaming yourself, aren't ya? See things positively or whatever, your brother's happy. That's what you want, right?" The lanky male turned on his stomach and kicked his feet like a highschool girl in love, his sandals dangling off his feet.

You violently got up and made your way over to Hanma. He looked at you and arched an eyebrow. "It's your fault, Hanma!" You let yourself fall onto the male's back and tickled his nape. "What do you mean, my fault?" He put the cigarette's ashes on your hand and you quickly retrieved it. "You also agreed to be part of your brother's little scheme." You groaned and put one of your soft pillows on your face, screaming and wailing in it.

"Hey, don't cry on me now!" You removed the pillow from your face and a sandal fell on you. You groaned and threw the sandal away. "I don't know, Han. Does Tetta really need to do all this to be happy? I mean, I'll follow him no matter what but come on... I kinda feel bad about the Baji situation."

Hanma sighed and took a puff of his cigarette. He kinda agreed with you but Tetta was his only source of entertainment. He enjoyed talking and listening to you but you weren't really fun to him. Talking with someone wasn't as entertaining as being a young boy's puppet and possibly becoming his right-hand man in a powerful and feared organization in the future.

"Yeah but will your brother be happy if he chooses another path? You said you'll be happy if he's happy. Let him do what he wants and support him, that's a sibling's job!" You agreed and sat on your friend's ass. "Alright, I'll be there for Tetta and support him with whatever he does. That's a sibling's job!" You dramatically posed and Hanma cheered.

You stood up and made your way over to the door. "Alright, we have a meeting to attend-" The door opened and made violent contact with your nose. "Guys, the meeting is in twenty minutes, we should go- Where's Ridor?" Hanma pointed at you, on the floor with a hand on your nose. Tetta, the one who opened the door, rolled his eyes and left your room.

"Let's go." Hanma got up and pulled your legs. "Han! Stop it!" You twisted your body and kicked to make the teen let go of you. He dragged you all the way to the stairs and let go of your legs. You got up and ran downstairs with him.

Tetta was already outside, on your bike. You put your shoes on and waited for your cocky friend. "I'm gonna miss ya so much, doggy!" You stared at the lanky boy while he kissed and petted one of your dogs. You had two dogs, Dobermans, a male and a female, Kiki and Lala. They were guard dogs and they seemed to love Hanma. He crouched down and hugged the two Dobermans before running towards you.

"I see you guys are best friends now!" You giggled and the male smirked. "They're so cute~ I was surprised when Lala bit my arm with the intention of ripping it off the first time I entered your house but it's okay 'cuz she's so adorable." You laughed and closed the main door behind you.

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