Rewrite the stars part 2

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You got back to the resistance, still trying to process what just happened.

"Y/n!" Anne said as she saw you. "We need you for another mission. Me and Sasha are going too. Are you gonna come?"

Maybe I can destroy them from the inside. You thought. "Sure."

"Great! I'll let Sasha know. We leave at sunrise tomorrow."

Who in their right mind would do a mission at that ungodly hour?


You went to bed that night, sleeping soundly, mind filled with pictures of Darcy. (I actually cringed while writing this-)

You woke up to Sasha shaking your shoulders.

"Y/n! Get up! We have a mission to go to!"

Ugh, right.

"I'm up, I'm up. Just give me 10 minutes to get ready."
"Fine." Sasha left the room.

You changed into your Armour-A chest plate with a white cape, and dark purple pants with boots. Then you briefly brushed your hair.

You exited your room, and joined the group. "What are we even doing on this mission anyway?"

"Well," Anne started. "There is apparently a new source of bots from close to here, so we're going to close down the operation."

"Seems easy enough," You replied.

"Yeah. But we've heard from a few scouts there is something protecting the base." Sasha chimed in.

Oh my frog I'm literally surrounded by idiots. It's obviously a trap.

"That's weird. Maybe it was just the one time." You said.

"Possibly. But we really need to find Marcy. We still don't know what happened to her." Sasha said.

Anne patted her back. "It'll be okay Sash."

If only they knew.

"We're here!" A frog shouted from the front of the group.

There were collective gasps around the group.

Then a few tentacles came and pushed the frogs away, before capturing Anne, Sasha, and you.

There was a dark chuckle that pierced the air.

"Oh, we've been waiting to see you."

You sighed. "Darcy, sweetheart, please let me go."

Their figure came out from the shadows. "Apologies, love."

The tentacle placed you softly on the ground and you began to walk over to your partner.

"You..." Sasha began. "How could you be in love with that THING?!

You pulled out your dagger and twirled it around in a threatening manner. "That 'thing' is the one true person that cares about me."

"What...What do you mean?" Anne asked. "We care about you!"

You gave a light chuckle. "No you don't. Did you never think I felt LEFT OUT? I was cast out, treated worthlessly, Marcy was the only one of you that hung out with me willingly. But now, Darcy's here instead. Did you really never think it would come back to haunt you?"

The looks on Sasha and Anne's faces were priceless to you.

Darcy wrapped their arms around your torso from behind.

"Sweetheart, can you take care of them for me?" You asked with innocent eyes but a devilish smile.

Darcy smiled, unwrapping their arms from your torso and cracking their knuckles. "With pleasure."


Well, inspiration came eventually-

This will probably have daily updates, (or nightly, depends where you are.) So stay tuned!
Also, please request if you can.

Bye besties!

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