Summer camp au, Marcy X fem!reader

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Okay so I had this idea randomly and decided to write it-
In this au Marcy, Anne and Sasha went to a summer camp, and met you.
This is after the amphibia incident, too.
Onto the story

"Go on, Y/n. It's just for a 9 weeks." Your mom said, her hands on the steering wheel in her car. "This'll be good for you. You might even make some friends."

You sighed. "Yeah, it's not the actual summer camp I'm worried about. It's the people. What if they're mean? What if-"

"Your just over reacting. I'll see you in 2 months!" Your mom drove off, leaving a puff of smoke behind her.

Well, it looks like I'm doing this. You thought to yourself.

You entered the gates, looking around.

It was quite a nice place, really. There looked to be about 10 wooden cabins, and the area had a grassy clearing with a Forest to one side and a gate on the other.
The breeze blew on your face, cooling you down from how hot you were in the car.
Then, there was a whistle, and a woman stood in the middle of the clearing.

"Hello everyone!" She said happily. "My name is Cara and I'm the Camp director! I've put you all into groups of four."

There were a few others, and yours was last.

"Sasha, Anne, Marcy and...Y/n! You'll be in cabin 10."

Well, at least I get the biggest cabin you thought, looking at the structure.

You began to walk over, hoping that they wouldn't be those bratty type girls.

You walked into the cabin, surprisingly it was still empty.
You slung the backpack off your shoulder and placed it on the bed in the far corner.

Then three other girls walked in.

One had blonde hair that cascaded down her shoulders, and blue eyes that seemed like they could kill if they glared at you. She was happy though, clearly.

Another had brown poofy hair and a kind smile. She had slightly darker skin and warm brown eyes.

The last one, had short black hair and brown eyes-but they looked more dull somehow, more broken, if you will.

"Hi, I'm Y/n!" You said to them.
They turned to you.

The shortest one spoke first. "I'm Marcy, this is Anne and this is Sasha."

You shook her hand. "Nice to you meet you."

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