Chapter 18

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Illumi soon recovered from the injection 30 minutes after Kai took you. Alina had been sobbing beside Illumi, curling up to his body and hugging him for comfort.

The Phantom Troupe soon arrived after planning on how to sneak in and were enraged about the news. They wanted to kill Kai and give him a slow and painful death.

On the way back to the hotel, Illumi and Alina were silent the whole ride, the only thing heard was the small sobs coming from the child. This night had practically traumatized her and took the one person who saved her from death.

Illumi let her cry on his lap, curling up into his chest and sobbed like there was no tomorrow. He wrapped his arms around her, trying to comfort the poor child. He had no idea how to comfort someone, he was just doing the same actions you do sometimes.

They both just hoped you were okay.


It's been two days since you were trapped inside the concrete room. It has been hell. You had to wash yourself with a bucket of warm, soapy water and sponge, he gave you limited food and had no choice but to use the horrible toilet in the corner of the room.

You had bandages around your arms from his small experiments, needing to cut your skin deeply. They were definitely going to leave scars.

You had thought of a plan on how to get out and you hoped it would work.

Kai walked into the room with his usual smirk, admiring how attractive you look. Your hair was slightly messy and parts of your dress was ripped. He loved it.

You glanced at the dagger he had in his pocket before waiting for him to get closer. You charged at him before punching him in the face. When he was distracted, you grabbed the dagger before cutting his arm that was about to touch you.

You ran for the door before closing it behind you, locking him in the room. He angrily banged on the door, yelling at you to open it as you ran down the hallways.

You saw a computer before quickly typing up the phantom troupe number and texting them. You were at the edge of the city in an abandoned warehouse, a few miles away from their base.

You told them your location before hitting send, the same moment were he stabbed you in the thigh with a dagger. You screamed as you fell to the floor, blood pouring like a waterfall as you ripped it out.

He dragged you towards a large metal machine before hanging you up by the wrists. His head looked like it would set on fire from how angry he was. He strapped metal cuffs around your ankles, your body shaped into a star fish shape.

He yelled at you,
" If you can't do as your told then you'll have to be punished!"

You watched as he grabbed his dagger before walking towards you. Holding in your sobs, you knew that this would be a painful experience.


Machi got the text before they all stole a car or two and drove straight towards the location, not caring about the speed limit since they want their friend back.

Shizuku stated,
" We're almost there, just turn left twice,"


You felt dizzy from blood loss, you had cuts your arms and waist that were oozing blood by the minute. There was even a small one under your eye on your cheek.

You wanted this to be over, you didn't care if you would die in the process. Your body wasn't responding, it felt like you had been sedated all over again.

A pool of blood slowly began to form underneath you as Kai sighed heavily at the mess, not excited to clean it all up.

Before he could do anything else the door was forced open, the hinges becoming slightly unloose from the impact. Kai trembled once he saw the entire troupe was there glaring daggers at him. He knew he was going to die right then and there.

Feitan knocked him out, excited for him to torture someone else as Shizuku and Machi helped you out of the machine. Shalnark taped cloths to the deepest cuts, hoping it would decrease the amount of blood flowing from the wound before they lifted you.

Once they reached their base, Machi rushed for the aiding kit and began to tend your wounds, thankful that you were going to make it. Feitan was left with Kai in his torture room, the troupe telling him to give him the worst death possible.

Illumi got the news and has never driven so faster in his life, he left Alina in the hotel room with Canary. He walked into the base with his usual emotionless expression before spotting you unconscious on the floor, pillows and blankets surrounding you like a fort.

He examined your cuts before walking towards the torture room, he walked in to see Feitan breaking each of his fingers with a hammer. The only thing that was heard in the room was Kai's sobs of agony.

Illumi grabbed a few of his needles before throwing them towards him, impaling him in the eyes. He screamed in pain as blood streamed down his cheeks like tears, his vision completely gone.

Illumi taunted,
" That will teach you not to mess with my girlfriend,"

Feitan just chuckled as Illumi let him do the rest, rolling his eyes at Kai's endless bickering of apologies.

Illumi picked you up bridal style, thanking the troupe for helping before leaving.

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