Chapter 8

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You were sat at the bar with Illumi, trying to ignore the moment you two just had whilst you sung. Illumi exclaimed,
" You're going to have to seduce him, unless we  start a fire and make sure the people run away quick enough to kill him,"

You hummed in thought before a perfect idea came to mind. You told him you had a plan before walking off, making sure to keep Illumi close since he's your extra eye.

You made sure you got the attention of Hiyoshi before walking back stage, alone, which gave him the opportunity to talk to you alone.

You were leant against the wall backstage, there were lots of wires and wood stuff around, which you had to be aware of. You heard footsteps a few feet away from you to see Hiyoshi was stood there with a smirk.

He broke the silence,
" What's a pretty thing like you doing back here? "

You felt irritated that he called you a ' thing ', as if you were just an object towards him. You knew just by how he acted he was someone who didn't respect women. This wanted you to kill him even more.

You could sense Illumi was hidden in the shadows, watching everything go down. You turned your attention back on Hiyoshi,
" Just like the silence, noise gets quite overwhelming sometimes,"

He chuckled as he walked closer, not noticing the trap you made for him was lying right there. He took one more step before his leg was caught up in a rope, causing him to be lifted up and hung upside down.

You looked up at him as you pulled out a fake dagger for him to cut himself with, which was a trick in order to get his finger print. When he tried to get the knife the knife broke, leaving you with both the blade and handle since it broke on impact from the floor.

You sighed,
" I'm sorry it had to be like this, I just don't like men who thing of women as objects",

He tried to scream for help but the music was to loud for anyone to here him. You grabbed the same matching dagger before slitting his throat as if it was butter. Blood dripped like a waterfall as you gently placed the body back on the floor. You carefully placed the dagger in his hand, blaming it as a suicide.

Illumi walked out, staring at the body for a few
Moments. You looked at him,
" Let's go,"

You were now in your pyjamas and was getting ready for bed. Your Muichiro wig was placed on the dressing table. You heard a knock at the door, which you responded with a small
" Come in ".

Illumi walked into your room before closing the door behind him, after what happened in the car, you were suddenly nervous being around him.

He leant against your bed pole whilst crossing his arms,
" Now tell me why you have that scar,"

His voice was emotionless but you could hear slight order in his voice. You rubbed the scar nervously before sighing heavily, knowing he won't give up,"

You exclaimed,
" I had a boyfriend called Kai, he wasn't the best. He was very abusive and manipulative. One day, he saw me with my best friend, Noah, since we hadn't seen each other in a while.

He thought of it as me cheating on him. In response, he handcuffed one band to the radiator and turned the heating on full. I think you know what happens when metal absorbs heat,"

You sat on your bed, your body shaking slightly from the sudden memory of him shouting at you for no reason. You felt someone sit beside you before he did something surprising.

He pulled you into a hug, causing your eyes to widen at his action of comfort. He wrapped his arms around you, resting his chin on the top of your head. You hugged back, resting your head against his chest. You never admitted it but you loved his body warmth, it was like a large wool blanket was around you.

He stated,
" If he ever comes and tries hurts you again, I'll kill him before he even has the chance too,"

You thanked him as you pulled away, wiping the tears that had escaped. Illumi didn't know why but he hated seeing you so upset, it bothered him to the point were he had to make you stop somehow.

He left your bedroom, knowing you want sleep before closing the door behind himself. You tucked yourself into bed before turning the lamp off and going to sleep.

In the middle of the night, you heard a knock at your door and someone walking in. You rubbed your eyes from the hallway light before looking to see Kalluto stood there with a teddy clutched in his grasp.

You asked, your voice cracking a bit,
" Is everything okay?"

He responded, his voice shaky,
" I had a nightmare, please can I sleep in your bed?"

You nodded before lying back down, you could hear him close the door and walk towards your bed before getting in it. He snuggled with his teddy, finding your presence comforting before slowly drifting off to sleep.

You sighed before falling back asleep.

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