Chapter 13

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You were given a phone from Illumi with the Phantom Troupe's number saved into it. This is how you ended up on call with them all for nearly half an hour, telling them about Kai and her situation.

Machi was heard, sounding irritated by Kai already,
" We'll keep an eye out for him and we'll also text you when you have a mission from the boss,"

You thanked them all, telling them you'll talk later, before ending the call. You were sat in your room, gently brushing your wig so it didn't look messy.

Then you remembered you promised to get Alluka a new doll. There were a few shops in town around the mountain, so you just had to wonder until you found a nice doll.

You told Illumi were you were going before pecking his lips and leaving with your shoulder bag, which included your purse, your modern and hxh phone and some sweets.

You opened the large, metal doors since your strength has increased during the time you've been at the Zoldyck mansion. Luckily, there was no tourists coming today so nobody saw you walk out.

You walked down the market, examining the booths of stuff from afar. It took a while but you saw a beautiful doll sitting at the back of the booth on a black chair. You walked over to the booth before asking the woman how much it was. It wasn't a lot so you bought it.

She placed it in a white bag before passing it you with a smile. You thanked her before walking away from the booth, ready to go back to the mansion.

A small girl spotted your eye, her white hair was messy and ended up to her waist. She seemed to be around 3 years old and couldn't stop staring at the food on the booth.

You watched as the owner of the booth chased away the girl away like she was a fly, resulting in her to run into the woods, crying. You furrowed your eyebrows, not liking how the poor girl was being treated. You wondered if she even had any family.

You bought some bread before following the direction the little girl. As you walked into the woods, you heard soft crying from a few feet away. You looked beside the tree to see the little girl crying in her lap with her legs up to her chest.

You gave her the bread,
" Hey, what's your name, sweetie?"

She flinched at the sudden voice, her body shaking in fear before realizing you were handing bread to her. Her green eyes sparkled before she snatched the bread out of your grasp, eating it as if she hadn't eaten in days.

You sat crossed legged in front of her, examining the state she was in. Her brown dress was ripped and filthy and she wore no shoes, resulting in small cuts to be all over her feet and legs.

You asked, your voice calm and kind,
" Where are your parents?"

She looked at the ground with a sad look in her eyes, she swallowed her food before responding , her voice cracking,
" They died when I was a baby,"

You felt bad for the poor girl, you tried to think of every possible answer to get her to safety, but there was none. The town looks at her like she was a rat from the amount of times she tries to steal food.

You decided that you would bring the girl with you, but you didn't know how the Zoldycks would react. You suggested,
" How about we buy some more food? Maybe we can get some clothes on the way,"

Her green eyes sparkled like diamonds before she stood up, nodding in excitement as she placed her hand in yours. You walked down the market before buying her some more food, in which she happily ate. You also bought her a teddy by her choice.

After a few hours of shopping, you noticed she was getting sleepy. You picked her up and held her against you as she rested her head on your shoulder. Her eyes began to close before her soft breathing was heard. For once in her 3 years of living she didn't go to sleep with an aching, hungry stomach.

You stopped in your tracks when you saw three guys leaning against the wall with a horrible smirk on their face. One of them chuckled, holding a chew stick between their teeth,
" Looks like the little pest finally has someone to care for her,"

They laughed between themselves as your hold on her tightened, your anger rising by the minute. His friend eyed your body, his smirk growing,
" Never mind the pest, this girl sure does look like a great meal,"

You laughed, glaring at them,
" So you eat girls now? Didn't know a gang of drunk idiots cooked women,"

You could tell that your comment pissed them off from the glares they sent you. They walked closer to you, which rattled your nerves slightly. You couldn't kill them because you didn't have a hunters licence and it isn't a direct order from the phantom troupe or the zoldyck family.

You stepped sideways, facing the sleeping girl away from them in a protective mode. One of them was about to touch you before a sudden breeze flew past you. The man screamed in pain once he realised his hand had been sliced of like bread, blood pouring like a waterfall and creating puddles on the floor.

You didn't even flinch from the gruesome act as you walked backwards, knowing the actions were no other from your boyfriend. Illumi stood beside you before killing them all with his needles.

He turned to you before glancing at the child sleeping in your grasp,
" Who's that?"

You responded,
" She's a homeless girl and has been struggling with surviving. I thought I'd help but I don't know if your family will accept,"

He thought for a moment, his eyes staring at the floor. He would have never taken a stray of the street, he would think of them as a burden. Deep down, he admires the kindness you have for others, but it can also be a weakness and can be taken advantage off.

He sighed,
" You can bring her, I'll persuade my parents, somehow,"

You cheered happily before running over and pecking him on the lips, your excitement showing and radiating around you,
" You're the best! Thank you,"

He ruffled your hair in response as you both walked home together.

Illumi x modern f readerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora