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Luke's p.o.v

I ended up getting detention but skipped it. I ran home and cried. I did this to myself . I hurt wanda and fucked up lauren. I didnt want lauren i wanted wanda. I was supposed to end up with wanda not lauren, wanda is doing working and im fucking lauren behind her back.

My phone rings and its from wanda, i cant tell her i just cant!

Me:hello i said sounded a bit sad
Wanda: luke are u ok?
Me: yeah i im fine
Wanda: ok well i think we should break up
Me: why!?!
Wanda: michaela told me what happend . How could u!!!!!!
Wanda:i hate you i cant believe u did this to me!!!
Me:no i can explain i, i , she did , but-
Wanda:bye luke ill miss you

She hung up and i couldnt help but cry! Lauren is preggers with my jr and im ina love triangle. More like a love line lauren wants me but i want wanda it just connects.

Wanda's p.o.v

After i hung up with luke i just cryed and cryed. Lauren had a small cute baby bump already and i hated her, she stole luke and i hated luke cuz he took her. He didnt have sex with me, was he tired of m.e? He just wanted something new. I believe him.

I cant believe im saying this but "I HATE LUKE HEMMINGS!!!!"

Hes a lying dirty cheater! I havent left my house for 2 weeks and michaela is the only one allowed to see me. I look horrible and shes my best friend i trust her. Darren came over a couple times too. But it jist isnt the same . Michaela helps me more .

Darren and michaela are my two best friends . I feel horrible it just sucks.
I decided to call niall since he was my 3rd bestie or 1st if u dont count darren and michaela.


ME:hello?..i tryed to not sound sad even thouh he alreag knew what was wrong

Niall:hey whats up ? I miss you :(

Me:i really feel horrible still . Eveyone is busy :(

Niall: its ok im on my way

After i hung up i decided to shower since i havent in days and brush my teth and hair and get dressed. I wore i white loose crop top withsweats and a messy bun . With my soft brown hair and a white bow to match. I put slippers and deckded to clean up my house. I had ice creamand snacks everywhere and so i grabbed a trash bag and cleaned ip my bathroom , kitchen, living room. And etc..

I did everything perfect and finished in like 30 minutes. I was throwing away one more trash bag when niall had knocked on the door.

I answered the door and had a huge smile

"Hey pretty lady how are u" he was holding flowers and munchies. He knew me so well

"Aww omg niall your so sweet" i had a huge smile on my face i tryed to not look like an idiot.

"Here u go"he handed me them and went to the couch. "Wanna watch a scary movie" "sure" i said , while putting the purple beautiful flowers in a vase"

I got blankets from upstairs and pillows and we watch on the reclining couches and there was one recliner and we both fought for it and ended up tying in thumb wrestling . So we just shared it and cuddled while watching the movie.

"Ahhhh!!" I yelled so loud the neighbors probably heard me. "Hahaha its ok calm down its only the conjuring nothing scary happens" . "Omg im shitting bricks wtf is wrong with you, i mean im not scared ha" i said confidently. "Well miss bravery ha keep watchig theres more"

"Oh no" this is going to be the end of me

After the movie i was so scared i sat k the couh starring at the dark room i had which is he kitchen, but it gets really dark when the lights are off at night."whats wrong" he asked concerned. "Are you still scared".

"Om fine u can laugh at me yes im still scared" frowningfrom embarassment. "Its ok mate" he was smiling and hugging me . I jut hugged back and smiled. I felt loved again nd wanted Nd i liked it.

"Thanks niall"
He was still hugging me tight Nd i didnt mind
"I love you wanda"
Wait what!?!

Amnesia: Helping Luke #1(5sos, 5th Harmonny, 1d, fanfic) (Completed) #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now