¡ "is it true?"

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new song chosen 4 titles!! another one - mac demarco

i woke up today from larry yelling.

'it must be a stream day.'

i had a pretty comfortable sleep. larry and i had finally decided to sleep in our beds.

'that sounds wrong..' i thought.

i got up and checked my phone.

'god, one more day until i have to leave, fuckk..'

i also decided to check the time. the bright, white letters said '9:30 AM', which was honestly kind of early for me. i grabbed my clothes and crawled over to the shower.


larry's pov:

i had heard the shower head turn off after around 20 minutes and knew [name] was finally out. i had organized a mini shopping trip with tanner, nick, and [name], which i'm guessing was going to turn into content. i was super excited, since it meant i could more time with [name].

"alright, i'm leaving now! byee!" i yelled out, before switching the stream off.

i got up from my seat and crawled over to [name]'s room. i knocked on the door.

"come in!" he said.

i walked in, seeing a wet-haired [hair/color] sitting on their bed while adding product to it.

"whatcha' doing?" i asked, shutting the door and sitting next to them.

"doing my hair."

it was silent as i watched them do their routine.

'this always happens when i'm alone with them.' i thought.

suddenly, he looked over at me and smiled.

"what's with the face? did someone call you a slur on your stream?" he asked.

"what?" i laughed.

after he finished, he grabbed two outfits and laid them on his bed.

"which one do you prefer?" he asked.

i examined the outfits.

"i think you should keep your outfit that you have on." i giggled.

he was wearing an oversized white shirt with black basketball shorts.

"shut up and actually choose."

i smiled at him before going back to looking at the outfits.

"the second one, it would look cuter on you." i smirked.

"alright, thanks." he responded, completely disregarding my flirt attempt.

i looked at him while pouting.

"what?" he asked.

"nothing.." i groaned.

your pov:

"alright, we ready?" nick asked while starting the engine.

"hell yeah!" tanner yelled while shaking larry.

"tanner, calm down!" i yelled over my shoulder.

"sorry mama." he mumbled with a baby voice.

i slowly turned to look at him with a disgusted face.

"what kind of kinky shit are you on?" i asked.

he and larry laughed a bit.


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