¡ "so please, please, please. let me get what i want."

701 24 12

angsty sorry 😴

yumi's pov:

"hey larry, what are you doing today?" i asked.

"nothin' much, whatever [name] wants to do." he said.

i rolled my eyes at him.

"yeah but what if it was just you and i? don't get me wrong, i'm fine with [name] tagging along but we haven't been able to connect that much anymore." i said.

he thought about it for a couple moments, before saying his response.

"yeah sure, why not?" he said.

i smiled in which he returned it. as i was getting up, he said something.

"i'm going to go tell [name] where i'm going, brb." he said.

i groaned.


your pov:

i woke up to larry shaking me.

"wake up!" he yelled.

"i'm up dipshit, what now?" i sighed.

"i'm leaving for the day with yumi." he said.

i waited for him to continue.

"that's it?" i asked.

he nodded.

"okay, love you. bye." i snuck my head back down to the pillow.

he smiled and gave me a kiss on my forehead, before running out the room. i grinned a bit, before stretching myself to wake up.

'might as well..'

i grabbed my phone and checked the time. the text said '9:00 AM'. i groaned before dragging myself out the bed. i walkd downstairs to find nick and tanner on the couch. nick was on his phone meanwhile tanner was watching tv.

"good morning [name]! larry and yumi just left." tanner said.

"yeah, i know." i sighed.

i flopped myself in between the two and took a deep breath.

"missing your pookie already?" tanner asked.

"i guess.." i said.

"anything else on your mind?" nick questioned.

"meh.. just a bit bored. we haven't been doing much lately."

"we can do some thing right now." tanner smirked.

nick looked at him with a confused face, but soon got it.

"huh?" i asked.


nick and i were sitting at larry's computer meanwhile tanner was at yumi's. we started a livestream on larry's.

"hey guys!" i yelled.

the chat immediately started questioning where larry was.

"larry's gonna be out for a bit, we decided to do a little live for now." nick said.

we joined a discord call and invited "yumi". he joined and we screenshared on to the discord webpage. chat was so confused on why yumi was in the call, when suddenly tanner turned on his camera.

"helloo!" tanner said.

we all started laughing, aswell as the chat.

"let's play roblox, shall we?" i asked in a british tone.

"okay?" nick said.

we all opened up roblox and clicked on some random game. we accidentally picked a horror game, in which we were shitting ourselves to.


a couple hours pass, and we are still streaming.


"I'M NOT!!" he yelled back.


suddenly, i heard the door open. we all stayed quiet for a couple seconds. nick and i slowly turned around. larry was just standing there with a confused face.

"what the hell are you guys doing with my stuff?" larry asked.

we then heard the door to yumi's room open, in which tanner started screaming and left the call. we soon heard tanner run downstairs while yumi was following right behind.

"what are you doing?" larry asked again, this time coming over to the computer and checking to see if we messed with anything.

"it was his idea!" nick pointed at me.

"NO IT WASN'T, IT WAS NICK'S!" i yelled.

larry turned his head over to us with his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes squished, before turning back.

"holy shit, you're streaming too?! sorry guys, ending the stream short." larry said.

as the chat said it's goodbyes, he ended the stream.

"what were you guys thinking?" he asked.

nick and i just looked at each other, then stared back at him.

"im gone for a couple hours, and you start streaming on MY account?!" he yelled.

"look, we're sorry. we were just having fun, we didn't mean any harm." nick said.

larry rolled his eyes and shut off his computer.

"whatever." he said, stomping out of the room.

we both sat there for a couple moments, knowing we screwed up.


it was around the time i would crawl in to larry's bed. i was laying in the guest room's bed, just watching tiktoks. i felt terrible for messing with larry's computer, so i kept my distance. i was trying not to make him mad any more than he already was.

'ugh, my head is killing me.'

i got up and went downstairs to get a drink of water. i found yumi in the kitchen too. i didn't say anything just incase he was mad at me aswell.

"no hellos?" he asked.

"hi yum-yum." i said pouring myself a glass.

"if you're scared that i'm mad too, i'm not. so is larry by the way." he said.

i nodded, before walking back up to my room. i shut the door and the lights off. i sat myself on to my bed, slowly taking sips of the water. after setting the water onto a table, i curled myself up into a ball and continued watching videos. suddenly, i heard my door open and a glimpse of light came through.

"you still up?" larry asked.

"mhm." i said.

he laid down right beside me.

"you're not mad at me, right?" he asked.

"no, i thought you were mad at me."

"i made it seem like it when i stomped out of the room. i was just worried you did something on my computer that could have exposed me and ruined my twitch career." he laughed.

"what do you mean 'expose you and ruin your twitch career'? what type of stuff do you have on there?" i asked, rolling over to him.

"don't ask." he said.

we had a moment of silence, before laughing. i set my phone down on the bed and just looked up at him. it was a bit hard to see since the lights were off but it was enough. i saw him smiling at me. i smiled back. he then curled up against me, basically hugging me.

"i would never be totally mad at you for something stupid, i know you didn't mean anything." he said.

"thank you larry." i said.

"i love you [name]."

"i love you too." i squeezed him tighter.

suddenly, my headache went away and i was finally relaxed.

words: 1082

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