Outside The Gate!

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"Brown Bear, Brown Bear. Where are you?" I heard her again in my pounding head. When I went out the gate, I wasn't as excited as I thought I'd be. Bam! Immediately as I stood on the footpath, a boy on a skateboard shot by and gave me such a fright! He rode straight over me! I was suddenly airborne and thrown against the white picket gate. I whacked my head, stars swam around me for a moment bright and colourful; but they soon faded to grey and black, and white. What had happened to all of those beautiful colours I was enjoying a moment before?

He rode straight over me! I was suddenly airborne and thrown against the white picket gate. I whacked my head, stars swam around me for a moment bright and colourful; but they soon faded to grey and black, and white. What had happened to all of those beautiful colours I was enjoying a moment before?

"Hey! You stupid bear! You knocked me off my skateboard!" I wanted to go right back inside the gate! However, another terrible thing happened: the gate had shut tight, and I was locked out. What was I going to do? That's when I became very unhappy, but it didn't stop there.

"Hey you! Stupid bear! Where did you come from?" The boy was shouting at me, he was going to hurt me. I got up and ran! I remembered the hole in the white picket fence, around by the red brick garage. Maybe if I could just find the hole, I might be able to fit back inside and get away from him. Gemma and Brown Bear would be together again and I would be safe. I ran along the path and around the corner.

"Hey. Come back here you stupid bear. How come you can run? I ain't never seen a teddy do that." As I raced around the corner . . . oh no! The picket fence in fact climbed along the top of a steep concrete wall, which got higher and higher the further along it went. Unfortunately, the footpath got lower and lower, there was no way I would be able to climb up the steep concrete wall, and through the hole in the white picket fence. What was I supposed to do? Too late! The boy on the skateboard caught me. I went limp like all teddies are supposed to be.

"Come on stupid bear. Move! I saw ya move before! MOVE!" He prodded and poked, shook and swung me around. I stayed still. Finally the boy threw me down, but not before pulling my shiny-yellow glass button eye right off! Everything went black and white and wobbly then, I could not see in colour!

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