Chapter 30

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"Final battle?" Dakota asked as he squeezed my shoulder once more. Dang it Logan, why ask me to calm down and then spring that on me! "Yes, we need to get rid of him once and for all." Dakota sighed and let go of my shoulder "We have other priorities at the moment. What about the kids?" Logan took his glasses off and cleaned them "I would imagine they are in a safe place. he wouldn't hurt them." Logan put his glasses back on and sighed "Let's come up with a plan. It's just the three of us and Dakota no matter how often you say you're fine, you are not." Dakota opened his mouth to protest but the logical side spoke first "Let's start with formation."

Logan poofed a magical whiteboard into the room and picked up a marker, drawing the layout of the basement this time. Logan circled where Paranoia and the other sides were and then drew a circle where we were. "We can lead him to the main part of the basement." Dakota said after studying the layout "No, that could give him a chance to escape upstairs." Dakota just shrugged and walked to stand behind me. 

"What about splitting up and leading some sides down the left hallway and the others down the right hallway." Logan looked at the whiteboard for a second before shrugging "It isn't impossible.." Logan turned to look at the whiteboard "The only person we'd have to worry about would be him." Dakota stated. Logan nodded and turned back to look at us "The only concern I have is the way we split up. We need someone to protect Virgil." 

Dakota raised his hand "I'll do it." Logan shook his head "Maybe this plan won't work after all. I'm the only one who can take them down and you're still injured. Virgil I apologize but you're really not that fit to begin with." Ouch Logan. Ouch.  

I grimaced before looking at the whiteboard again "It's too much of an odd number. If we had another side we would be fine." Logan nodded in agreement "Unfortunately it's just us." Dakota sighed and I turned my attention to him, he was back to looking like what he represents again. He looked very depressed. "We'll figure it out." I said, reaching my hand out to him. He nodded but didn't let up staring at the floor. Logan cleared his throat and I turned back towards him, seriously these guys were probably going to make me dizzy. "What if we avoided fighting them? We could trap them in a room and just go for him." Logan nodded and turned to the whiteboard, circling a random room down the left hall "This is the only room on that side that I can think of that can reduce teleportation and we can lock it from the outside. I think this room was originally Remus'." 

Something in my brain finally clicked "Remus! He's not being controlled." Dakota and Logan both looked shocked "That's right! But Logan you said you didn't know where he went." Logan nodded "That may be true but I'm sure he found out about them being in the basement before we did. I'm sure he and Roman share that twin thing." Logan poofed the whiteboard away "If we can find Remus we can go with our original plan. If we cannot than we go with Virgil's idea." Logan turned to look at me "I recommend that you stay here for your own sake." I shook my head "No! I'm coming with you guys!" Dakota smiled at me "We've got this. Just rest okay?" They both left without letting me answer. I tried to open the door but it seemed like it was locked on the outside, was this room one that Remus owned too?

I huffed and sat down in the far corner, hugging my knees to my chest. They were probably going to take a while. I must've fallen asleep or something because when I came to, someone was sitting directly in front of me. I gasped in shock before I realized who it was..

The dark side of creativity himself:


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