Chapter 24

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The mindscape was in complete disarray when we arrived, there were things all over the floor and stuff was knocked over. Almost like they were looking for someone. We definitely needed to be careful. "Let's split up. We can cover more ground that way." Logan stated as he bent over to pick up a fallen chair "That works so well for Scooby-Doo." I said sarcastically as we all went our separate ways. 

I made my way down the hall, all the doors to the rooms were open. I stopped right in front of my door and peaked inside, my room was a mess. Well more of a mess then usual. Stuff was strewn about just like the rest of the mindscape, I stepped further in my room once I made sure the coast was clear. Whoever was in here definitely did not like it. Maybe it was Princey? My bed sheets were on the floor and a lot of miscellaneous objects were on top of the bed. What could they possibly been looking for? I almost felt embarrased with the amount of private things they could've found. 

Don't take that out of context. I see you. Put your dirty mind away. 

I kneeled down and looked under the bed, it was mostly dark..except for a pair of eyes staring at me. I jumped back in shock "It's only me!" I took one more good look as the little figure crawled out from underneath the bed "Melani! You scared me!" She was covered in dust and she was shaking from fear, I don't blame her. I have no idea what she's been through in the time that we were with Thomas. "Where are the others?" Melani shrugged. I nodded and stood up, holding my hand out to help her up. Melani took it with shaking hands and I pulled her to her feet. 

"I'm going to take you to Thomas, okay?"

It took her a minute to respond, which I completely understand. A lot is going on in the mindscape and the littles have never even heard of him before, it only seems fitting that she would be on edge.

"Have you ever sunk down into the real world before?"

Melani shook her head and turned to look at me, she seemed even more scared now. "Does it hurt?" Her voice was so soft that if I hadn't been looking at her I might not have heard it. I shook my head "No, it just might feel weird." She seemed to relax a little, that's good. I squeezed her hand and searched the room with my eyes once more before letting them settle on her eyes "Are you ready?" Once more she nodded "I'm going to count down. 3..2..1." 

We sunk down and popped up in my spot on the stairs, Mike and Dakota were sitting on the couch. "Where's Thomas?" They each jumped, I must've scared them. "He went out with Joan." Melani ran towards them and climbed on the couch, I knew that she was going to be safe here. At least for now. "Where's Deceit and Logan?" I sat down on the stairs and stretched "We all split up." Dakota crossed his arms and sighed "Haven't they watched Scooby-Doo?"

I chuckled softly and stood back up "I'm going to head back, tell me if something happens here." 

Mike and Dakota both nodded and with one last glance I sunk back down into the mindscape. My room was the same as I left it, thankfully. I heard voices coming down the hall, it didn't sound like Logan or Deceit. I scrambled underneath the bed and peeked out, Roman and Phoenix were talking quietly as they passed by the room. 

"We need to find Virgil."

"We already have Deceit so I'm sure that'll lure him in." 

I couldn't hear the rest of what they were saying. This is really bad. They already have Deceit and God knows were Logan went. I waited a few seconds longer before crawling out and like Melani, I was covered in dust. I need to clean out under there. Still do in the present as well. 

I rushed towards the door and poked my head out, no one was there. I ran out of my room and towards the extra rooms in the back. They were most likely going to be in one of those rooms. Either that or the basement. I stopped in my tracks, Deceit was heading that way. He must've been caught in there! 

I turned the next corner and took that hall back to the living room, the basement door was right in the kitchen so I just had to make it in there. I ran into the kitchen without thinking, luckily there was no one in there. I would've definitely been caught if that was the case. I opened the door to the basement as quietly as I could and slipped inside and closed it behind me. It wasn't too dark on the stairs and unlucky for me this place went on for what seemed like forever, they could be anywhere. If I was wrong and Paranoia wasn't down there I was probably going to end up in a trap. 

I stepped off the last step and looked around, there was a lot of empty space down here since none of us really came down here. The dark sides like to hang out down here but it's a rare occasion. I hadn't a clue where to start first and the darkness of the basement wasn't really helping. I had a feeling I wasn't going to come out of there without injuries. 

I turned to the left and started heading down that hallway, every so often I would stop and listen for voices. I heard none. But Virgil why not open the doors? I didn't want to be caught in a trap, imagine how awkward that would be..

Just open the door and BAM! The floor opens up or something. I almost laugh at myself thinking about what my face could've looked like.  

I mostly stuck to my hearing but after a while my eyes had gotten used to the darkness, I wasn't complaining. It was a lot easier to traverse without having to be super careful. Just when I thought that maybe this wasn't the right way, I heard voices. I can recognize that sassy tone anywhere. 

I crouched down and basically crawled for a few feet until I saw a sliver of light around the corner, one of the doors was open! I stopped in front of the door and peered through the crack, still trying to remain out of sight. Deceit was tied up in a chair and parallel to him was Remy and William. I crawled away from the door and like a dummy I went into the room right next door. You know, the thing that I was bashing earlier? Yeah I did just that. 

There wasn't a single thing in it, the room was completely bare. I left the door open just a little bit and with my luck, if one of them comes out of the room their eyes won't be adjusted to the darkness so they won't notice the door open a crack. But if one of the others comes along I'm definitely screwed. 

I looked out the door and just as I did the door next door opened, illuminating the wall across the way. I waited silently and hoped and prayed that whoever it was didn't notice me. A purple blur went past the door, I waited until the footsteps faded away before letting go of a breath I didn't even know I was holding. 

Before I could even comprehend I was already back in the hall, the door was closed this time. I turned back towards where I came, there was no way I was going to get Deceit back with someone constantly watching him. The basement door was open when I reached the stairs, William must've left it open most likely to lure me down there. So they probably don't know where I am. I made my way up the stairs silently, I knew all the creaks of the stairs so they could be easily avoided. 

I waited at the top of the stairs for a few seconds to psych myself up before stepping into the kitchen, though as I was closing the door behind me a hand grabbed my shoulder

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