Chapter 26

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I watched anxiously as Logan made his way down the hall towards the extra rooms and soon he disappeared around the corner. Now all I had to do was get into William's room, I could've walked with Logan down the hall but no. I had to be scared and stay behind. Do you blame me though? I have to go..INTO MY ABUSIVE FATHER'S ROOM. I just barely made it out of there alive! Well..I mean..I'm not alive already..

I finally psyched myself up to leave the room and stepped out into the hallway, it was completely silent. I don't know if I should feel relieved or even more scared. 

I wasn't anxious before when I was looking for the kids or Deceit, but now the weight of what I'm trying to do is getting to me. I don't want to affect Thomas anymore than I have been nor do I want to get Logan caught up in the mess. As far as I'm concerned, we're the only sane one's left. If he's gone..we're going to lose. 

I had made it to the door and just as that happened, footsteps started coming down the hallway. I looked around me in a panic, if it wasn't Logan I was screwed. I didn't have anywhere to hide either!  


Wait a minute..

Virgil AftonWhere stories live. Discover now