The new potions professor

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I didn't expect this to be the way I found out about Uncle Sev getting his dream job but it was. I got an encrypted letter from Dumbledore. Telling me that Uncle Sev has gotten the Defense Against the dark arts position and that an old potions professor was coming back and he had the tendency to 'collect' talented students. 

The only reason I got this information in the first place was not in warning to the potential smothering I may get from this Professor but to get information out of this Professor. The Professor that taught my father. The Professor had let it slip on about Horcrux.

I had already known my fair bit from the constant asking to have one or two from my father. He had told me all that he did for them. Although he didn't share what items or where they are hidden. Father never told anyone.

But I think there is something Dumbledore wants. I'm just not sure as to what.

Shaken from my thoughts as Pansy tapped my forehead with her knuckles I gave her a weak smile.

"Wow," she leans back "You've been really out of it. We're almost to Hogwarts"

I shook my head rid my thoughts of the new Professor "sorry, got lost in thought" I speak honestly

"Practically the entire 2-hour trip. I've only had Blaise to talk to"

At this, the three of us laughed. I cut my laughter short as I noticed Draco had the same dazed look. Our hands were still intertwined so I gently squeezed his hand. Trying to get him out of his thought on the task my father gave him. The task I was also asked to do this should Draco not be able to.

Kill Dumbledore

The man that has tried his best to help us since we arrived on the grounds of Hogwarts.

Of course, I notified Dumbledore about this development. Only to get the shocking reply that Dumbledore was dying and that we should follow through on the plan.

Things this year are simply put already going to hell and the only thing I have to look forward to is completing the new defense ideas Hermoine and I had over the summer. Such as trap doors leading to the devil's snare, animating the suits of armor that can be found in the occasional hallway, and hallucinogenic spells. Which all would be added bonuses to the explosive spells we already set throughout the castle.

Besides the Weasley twins Hermoine and I knew the ins and outs of the castle like the back of our hands.

Draco squeezed back and I relaxed a little. For the time being, I can enjoy being with my fellow Slytherin royals.


I internally winced when Harry and Ron entered the advanced potions class late. The golden trio is now complete.

Slughorn was practically beaming when Harry entered.

"Can anyone tell me what this potion is?" He lifted the lid and I got a quick sniff. Mint, apple, and expensive cologne. The familiar smell of Draco.

Both Hermoine and I raised our hands. Sluggorn debated who to pick before picking Hermoine.

It was a little upsetting I was used to being picked to answer questions in potions. Although the concept of not being picked wasn't foreign to me it happened more often than not in other classes.

"Anomortia, considered the strongest love potion," Hermoine said briefly and I did a quick nod although her definition was slightly off. It's not the strongest love potion, it creates an infatuation with the first person they see.

"Correct" he smiled "However, it doesn't create love it creates an obsession over someone" The Professor corrects as he closes the cauldron "How about this one?" he questions gesturing to a small glass container "Can you identify this, Ms.?" he looks to me.

I smile a little "Florence Riddle, Professor" he falters a moment before smiling again "and the potion would be Felix Felicis, otherwise known as liquid luck"

"Well done, Ms. Riddle" he forced a smile "This small vial will be the prize for whoever brews a decent attempt at the Draught of Living Death"

I smile lightly as I open my potion book. My notes are written on the borders and various pieces of paper that stuck out of their pages. Briefly, I went over my notes from when Uncle Sev had taught me to make the potion a few summer's ago. 

Doing the technique Uncle had taught I completed the Potion in record time while everyone except surprisingly Potter struggled. I was curious how he has gotten good at brewing potions. His previous potions in the past years were disastrous at best. 

He noticed me staring. We both entered a small staring contest as we each tried to figure each other out.

"Done already?" Professor Slughorn interrupts our little staring contest.

"Yes, Professor" I respond with Potter at the same time and yet again the Professor debated on whose to check first.

"Ms. Riddle" he comes closer to my cauldron and took a small vial of it. Testing the potion on a small plant. Instantly it shriveled into the dirt and I smirked at the result "Absolutely perfect" 

"Harry, my boy" I scrunch my brows at the blatant favoritism and Professor Slughorn does the same test although Potter's left dead remnants of the plant "Well done" he beamed "have your mothers gift for potions"

"More like pure luck" I mumble and Draco nods in agreement.

"He's up to something" Draco whispered "He was never this good at potions"

Slughorn checked the rest of the class's potion. Potter and I were the only ones to get it perfect although both Draco and Hermoine were close. 

"I have never had two students brew perfect Draught of Living Death. However, I am true to my word and will be giving liquid luck to" he looked even more hesitant now and I realized he must know "To Ms. Riddle for the most potent Draught of Living Death I have seen in many years"

"Thank you, Professor" I smile and pocket the potion for a later date. Vowing I'll try to get information about my father in his younger years. 

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